
What to expect from my planner.

Hi Everyone,

Not sure if I found the best board to post this, but here goes.  We decided to hire a planner to help with everything as we want things to not get missed and we are both very busy.

We interviewed several people and chose one we liked.  We signed our contract and gave her a deposit. 

So far,  I don't feel that I have been getting the service we should for the cost.  I wanted to check and see if I am being unreasonable before I complain to her.

Granted, there are several items I had ideas on, so maybe she didn't think I needed additional suggestions.

I asked for suggestions on hotels for out of town guests, and she sent me a couple of links to hotel websites.  I'm not sure if I just blindly call and ask for rates - I thought for sure negotiating blocks of hotel rooms would be one of her duties.

Also, I had last week off from work.  I left a few e-mails asking about setting up tastings with caterers and didn't hear anything.  We finally sent a note asking for a response and get a message telling us the office is closed for the week.  Would have been nice to know that ahead of time.

I gave her an idea of what I wanted to spend on a dress.  I did tell her that I was planning on maybe getting a used dress and having a friend fix it up.  She gave me referrals to custom designers to try for an idea of fit and design.  I'm not sure why I should go try dresses on that are way out of my price range.

Should she be assisting me with getting save the date cards out?  Giving me ideas on how to manage RSVPs?

But mostly, I feel like I keep trying to contact her to get data instead of her checking in on me and trying to make things less stressful on me rather than me doing all the price checking, scheduling, etc.

Do I have the wrong idea of what a planner does?

Re: What to expect from my planner.

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    edited December 2011
    I didn't have a planner. I basically used the message boards for how to etc. My bridesmaids helped out a lot too. 

    However, all the details of what they do/don't do - should have been discussed prior to deposit. It really is best that you ask a million questions that way there is no misunderstandings and things go the way that you want them to. I think you should call her and go over her duties again so that you have a better idea of what she is willing to do for you. Maybe there is a misunderstanding between you on what her duties actually are or will be.

    However, she should have let you know of any vacations ahead of time. 

    It is best if you are planning on making a dress or buying a used dress that you try some on before you buy. If are thinking about ebay or other used site, go to a bridal shop and try some on. That way you know what style you like/don't like. Or what will flatter you so that you know what to look for when you buy without being able to try on. Also some shops will have samples for sale if you wanted to try those on. 

    Depending on how far you are away from your wedding, she may not even think you are interested in doing that now. Maybe if you make a timeline on things you want to get accomplished now it might help. 
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    edited December 2011
    I am getting married in June but am also a planner.

    For my customers when they mention there is something they might want I immediately start researching and find the best pricing for them.  

    I figure it is my job to make everything as simple and with the least amount of stress for them.

    I would suggest talking with your planner and telling her you feel overwhelmed.  Let her know her opinions are welcome and if she has any suggestions for ways you can get lower pricing or better deals to please let you know.

    I am also using a Wedding Planner/Coordinator.  She has now became my friend and is the owner of the venue I am getting married at.  If she even thinks I am starting to get stressed she calls me and reminds me it will be ok.  If I feel I am needing more of something and she feels it isn't needed she lets me know.  If I was planning to skimp on something and she feels I shouldn't she lets me know.  She does all this but also keeps the "it's your wedding and you deserve to have it your way" attitude.

    For example I was going to use silk flowers for my bouquet and she said no way, that if it was a matter of money she would make me one or buy me one herself. Then she recommended a couple of florists from Craigslists who work out of their homes.  I ended up getting all my wedding party flowers and more from this florist for less money than silk would have cost ($250).

    Once again talk to  your planner and let her know how you are feeling.  If you still don't feel that having her around is making your job easier rather than harder get a different one.

    I hope this helps.

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