October 2012 Weddings

feeling completely unorganized

FI and I haven't really worked on anything wedding in quite awhile.  Now, our invitations are going out tomorrow and I don't even know where to begin on figuring out what's left.  I feel like I have a million unfinished projects. 

Anyone have a checklist that they're using?
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Re: feeling completely unorganized

  • I've been using TK's checklist somewhat, but I have a running to-do list in the google spreadsheet that I shared with FI.  Anytime I think of something that needs to be done (usually while I'm at work) I go add it before I forget about it.  It has things like determine candy types for the candy bar, choose ceremony readings and readers, plan the RD, fill out day-of planner for photographer, do the music choices for the DJ, finalize flowers, etc. 

    I would start with what's on the knot's list and then alter it to fit what you need for your wedding.  I kept mine separate from TK because I can do more with it.  Another option is to set up a google calendar and have it send you reminders (via email or popup on your smart phone) of when you should be working on what things and when they're "due".

    Good luck, I know it feels overwhelming, but getting organized definitely makes it seem way more manageable. 
  • I'm normally not an unorganized person.  I'm pretty obsessive about my routines and things, so this is ridiculous to me.  Once I have a list going, I"ll instantly feel better.
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    October 2012 - September Siggy: Collage!
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  • I did something similar to PP.  I agree with starting off the TK list, that should get you thinking about what needs to be done.  From that, and what I had in my head, I started a google document of things left to do, broken down by week.  It's edited often!  It makes me feel better to see what's left though and not to have random thoughts floating around in my head.
  • I am using the knot checklist and I keep my vendor contracts in a 2 pocket folder.  I need to put final payment deadlines on my calendar. 
  • I also used TK list as a starting point.  It was helpful to see what needed to be done when but it did not help me break tasks down into even smaller tasks.  I know I could customize it but I just did my list in a different way.  

    When I was starting to feel overwhelmed, I visualized myself walking through my wedding day and thought about what was needed at each part of the day.  This helped me make lists for what I needed for the ceremony (guest book, pen, candelabras, memorial candle, unity candle, picking out readings/songs, etc).  That got me started.  I am normally a pretty organized person but NOT a party planner.  This wedding planning has certainly been putting orgazining and list making skills on over drive!
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  • F and I have a Drop BOX wedding folder where we keep everything.  Including our to do list, Looks, Pictures, diagrams, everything.  We can both acesss the files on our Iphones using the drop box app.  Super free and easy to use.  I add things on the to do list all the time.  It's really hard to keep track of everything.  This last week I have put a hold on wedding planing for my own sanity!  I feel like i now have a million and 1 things to do.  

    Good luck! Trust me the wedding will happen and everything will be figured out so don't stress to much.  Just do 1 thing at a time.  It will happen all eventually. 
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