October 2012 Weddings

RSVP Etiquette! Geeeez.[Rant]

We are still getting RSVP's in (deadline is Friday) and I had a minor meltdown when one person asked, "Do I really need to send in the RSVP card?"  Um, YES!  If it was just a *suggestion* I wouldn't have included a self-addressed and stamped envelope.  THEN I get an RSVP back that has THREE couples on it.  Excuse me, I believe the envelope was addressed to Mr. & Mrs. Blah Blah, not who-the-heck-ever you want to add on!  Granted, they are "family friends" of the futre in-laws, but still.  Oh yeah, and(!) my aunt, who doesn't speak to me calls my GRANDMOTHER and says, "I added daughter's boyfriend to the RSVP, I hope Ashleigh doesn't mind."  As a matter of fact, I do mind.  Don't call my grandma, call me!  I'm the one paying for this shindig!!

Neither my parents nor his parents get how stressed we are about everything.  Especially adding on, at this point, SEVEN extra guests.  Not cool, people.  Not cool at all.  Both of our parents keep saying, "It will alllll work out.  I'll pay for whatever extra we need."

That's not the point.  People need to learn etiquette. 

[Rant over.] Yell

Re: RSVP Etiquette! Geeeez.[Rant]

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    I hear ya! I'm glad the rsvps are done for us!

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
    Mom to D.A (11.09) and 3 beautiful angels (06.08, 03.11, 07.12)
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    Yes, people do need to learn etiquette!  That's why it kills me when I hear people say that they don't care about etiquette...when you don't care, stuff like this happens.  

    I'm still annoyed with quite a few people who never RSVPed, or RSVPed via a phone call because they couldn't take the time to fill out a simple RSVP card and drop the pre-addressed and stamped envelope in the mail!  Why did I waste money on postage and RSVP cards and evelopes if I wanted you to lose it or think that you didn't have to send it back.

    End of my rant LOL!
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    I am so glad this phase of the wedding is over.

    1) Call your "family friends" add on guests and tell them they can't bring people (unless those add ons were already invited.

    2) How old is your cousin where the Aunt added on the BF? SOs really need to be invited.
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    I second everything you two ladies just said!!!
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    We are still trying to hunt down three guests that live across the country that never sent in their RSVPs and haven't been reachable via phone this week to FI or FMIL.  FI's family thinks they aren't coming, but we want confirmation.  I'm sure it isn't fun for guests to send in a 'decline', but just man-up and do it!!!

    This has really be on only major drama, so I am grateful.
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    My cousin, whose boyfriend was added, is 18.  Maybe I'm just rude, but I don't consider her boyfriend to be a "significant other" since they have only dated about a month or so. 

    Our guestlist has become a monster when you consider the fact that what I truly wanted was a destination wedding with few people with us.  I really don't want people at our wedding if they're not special to Fiance and I.  This is something sacred and special, something that I cherish.  Our wedding is not some sort of entertainment for just anyone to spectate.
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    there's a lot of wedding etiquette we just poo-poo'ed but RSVPs are where we did it right. so it annoys me when great anut polly invited herself by telling Fi's grandma she and her son will be there.  or when FMIL's cousin invites herself adn husband before we even made the guest list!
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    In Response to Re:RSVP Etiquette! Geeeez.[Rant]:[QUOTE]My cousin, whose boyfriend was added, is 18.nbsp; Maybe I'm just rude, but I don't consider her boyfriend to be a "significant other" since they have only dated about a month or so.nbsp; Our guestlist has become a monster when you consider the fact that what I truly wanted was a destination wedding with few people with us.nbsp; I really don't want people at our wedding if they're not special to Fiance and I.nbsp; This is something sacred and special, something that I cherish.nbsp; Our wedding is not some sort of entertainment for just anyone to spectate. Posted by ashhernandez[/QUOTE]

    I fully agree. Dating for a month, I wouldn't WANT to be invited! That's just awkward for me.

    And the last part... a friend of mine is getting married the same day as I am. She is doing EVERYTHING through facebook invitations, guest listing, etc. She's put out multiple statuses like "who wants to make our cake? I'll trade you a photo shoot!" And "if anyone would like to bring a dish for the reception, let me know! We could use a salad or sides!" And then my favorite..... "who wants to entertain during the reception? I know my talented friends want to put on a show!"

    I'm sorry. Its her wedding, by all means, have fun. But marriage is sacred and special. Why would you treat the ceremony like a circus? And yes... her ceremony is rumored to be pretty darn 'special'...

    I guess I'm more traditional than I thought!

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
    Mom to D.A (11.09) and 3 beautiful angels (06.08, 03.11, 07.12)
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    You know I didn't waste my money to do traditional rsvp. I sent my card that said rsvp by calling or email. Do you know how many actually did that? 5 people out of 200 invites. So yes, I was pissed. I put it on Facebook saying if I havent heard from u I am assuming you are not coming. I got about 20 more to respond. I'm turning my numbers in tomorrow that's it. I'm done chasing these idiots who can't respond!
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
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    We are turning in our numbers tomorrow too. I havn't heard from a few of my cousins, people I didn't expect to come anyway. My dad has called his sister and I've facebooked them as much as I can. If I don't hear from them by tomorrow they are a no. My dad has tried contacting them and they haven't responded. I can only do so much, I have too many things to do to track adults down. I'm not good at remembering to RSVP at times, not because I'm being inconsiderate, but because I set it aside and forget about it. When someone contacts me I respond back! Or I send in the card! Our list was 250 people invited and only 170 are going to be there. I'm sort of sad it's not the 200 that I expected but at the same time it's less money my parents have to pay and a lot of the people that aren't coming are people I don't really talk to much but were invited because they are my cousins. Those that really matter to me will be there! One of my dad's sisters isn't coming probably because she has to drive some ladies to Florida for this Catholic conference they go to every year. We have had our date since the first week of January. My dad's family is very close and honestly she's going to be on my bad list for awhile. We went to his son's wedding down in ALabama, we've gone to visit her A LOT! I'm really not happy with her. My uncle always thought of me as the daughter he never had and they aren't coming?! I realize she goes to this conference every year but I'm only getting married ONCE! Divorce isn't a possibility for us! We are marrying for life unlike half the US. Sorry for my rant on your post! But I feel your pain!
    BabyFruit Ticker
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