October 2012 Weddings

To all the girls fighting colds...

Feel better! :-) Sending lots of healing vibes your way. I'm at the very end of a cold that I caught at the luckiest time (if there is a lucky time to be sick) and will be completely over by the wedding.

Seems like there is just a bug going around so everyone who isn't sick, stay well! 

Re: To all the girls fighting colds...

  • Aww thanks!  I hope mine is completely gone by Friday!
    Missing our September Sunflower
    BFP 12/23/12: EDD 9/01/13: MMC 1/31/13, baby stopped growing at 8w2d. D&C 2/01/13
  • H also got sick in the days leading up to the wedding! He was sick during his bachelor party and complained that he couldn't get drunk because he was sick. He was better for the wedding, so I hope everyone else feels better too! Lots of vitamin C! But not too much, then you get awful headaches :P
  • I took airbourne leading up to the wedding bc everyone around me was sick and that seemed to work bc I was good to go on the day...
  • I got sick about a week from my wedding. Awful Awful cold.
    Clariton D and those emergen-C packets helped a ton, I was pretty snot free by our Friday wedding:)
  • Luckily I am still good. Been popping vitamin c. 1,000mg a day. FI on the other hand caught a bug but after a trip to target and $40 later he is on the mend. Should be 100% for the wedding this Saturday. Get well all you girls!
    LilySlim Weight loss tickers
  • Just getting over a 12 day horrible cold!  Getting married on Saturday, and yesterday was my first day in over a week without having to take cold medicines.  Woo hoo!  Work with a lot of kids (colds everywhere!) so if I can make it through today without catching something else, I should be good to go!
    Stay healthy everyone (and if you can't - I would highly suggest going to the Dr. to get some recommendations for OTC cold medicines...some of them work wonders - the right ones can make you forget you are even sick).

  • I've been taking Zinc.  With the last couple weeks of work and wedding stress I was so afraid I'd come down w/something.  So far so good (knock on wood, only 3 days to go!)
    Rachel Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Happy I am not the only sick one! (but sorry everyone esle is sick too!) I woke up Sunday morning and I swear I caught some sort of plague. I am feeling much better now but still not 100%
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
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