My Mom, along with FMIL, FSIL, and my sister, are throwing my bridal shower. I'm super amazingly grateful, don't get me wrong, I just had a little strangeness over it.
Today, I went shopping with my Mom and Gramma to get decorations, invites, etc., etc. for the shower. When we were done, we went and ordered the cake (the bakery we use is always booked up so you have to order months in advance). Then I go back to my Mom's for a bit and she says to me, "Ok, go fill out the invitations. Your sister's handwriting is atrocious and my hands hurt too much."
Personally, I think it's a little strange for me to write the invites out for my own shower- especially since I was doing invites for our side and they all know my handwriting! I put the return address on the envelopes as my sister's name to hopefully make it less strange... But still. WEIRD!
I'm totally grateful to have a shower and all, I just thought it was very strange that I got to write out everything. I wrote out the ones for our mutual friends and all the women on my side of the family. FMIL and FSIL are taking care of the ones for their side, so at least I won't look strange with my inlaws....
Mom to D.A (11.09) and 3 beautiful angels (06.08, 03.11, 07.12)