October 2012 Weddings

10 days to go 10/27 girls!!

I think it is finally starting to set in.  I have my final fitting tonight (I waited til the very last minute) and I am so excited to see it completely done!  I'll try to take some pictures to post tonight.

I just have my programs and escort cards to fold which I'll work on tonight after my fitting.  Then it's just little things like cleaning the centerpiece vases, organizing the last few things that I've purchased, and packing.

FI has been traveling and will be coming back on Saturday.  I am so happy that we will be able to relax this weekend before everything starts getting crazy!!

Re: 10 days to go 10/27 girls!!

  • I cant believe its only 10 days now! Things are finally starting to come together now. The centerpieces are finally done, my rings should arrive either today or tomorrow, and everything else is last minute stuff. Meeting with the photographer next week, which Im super excited about (being as Im a photog myself). I cant wait!
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  • goatlady12goatlady12 member
    edited October 2012

    We have our b-parties on Saturday.  I'm really excited!  I also stepped on the scale this morning and I've reached my goal weight!  I'm in a really good mood because of that.  Bring on the swimsuit Jamaica!
    There are a lot of things like programs and a seating chart that I think I'm going to nix.  To be completely honest, I'm completely over it.  I just want the day to be here and to stop worrying so much about small things.  Everything else is done and those things just aren't necessary, I just don't feel like doing them.
    I'm really pumped about all the people coming into town next week.  I'm super excited, but I still feel like the day will never get here.

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  • OH! And I can finally start being anxious and checking the weather reports everyday! LOL
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  • Seipel12, I couldn't agree more.  we nixed so much in the past few weeks (programs, seating chart, favors, aisle runner, pew decorations) because we are just so wedding-ed out.  just over everything.  we have all the important stuff and we are just READY to be married.

    all we really have left to do is a seating chart for 4 tables for reserved seating for the family, get in touch w/ the photographer to do a timeline w/ her, order the bouteneers, and I need to buy a garter.  i think THAT'S IT!
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  • We'll be folding placecards and programs today, too! The main things we now have left is wrappng gifts for the BP and writing notes to my parents and FI for the wedding day, packing for the honeymoon, and finishing up our favors. And a lot of cleaning. The girls are getting ready at our place, and we have most of our shower gifts still in boxes in our living room. (We need a bigger place, or a huge empty closet!)

    Other than that, we just scored tickets to the Northwestern/Nebraska game this weekend, and can't wait to have a wedding-free day on our last weekend as single people. :)
  • I'm still working on aisle decor but I think stuff seems to be in order for the most part. AH! It's almost here! :D
  • I can't believe it! It still feels unreal to me that we are getting married NEXT weekend! It's so fun hearing my family and friends talk about our wedding and how excited they are for us! Though I didn't think I would be one of those brides that check the weather 10 days out... but I am! Lol. I of course want the weather to be nice even though we are having the wedding and reception inside, but I will be fine if it rains. Or so I keep telling myself that. Lol
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