October 2012 Weddings

4 days to go...awful cold coming on

Hi ladies!  I have had a blast looking at all the wedding recaps and photos.  Everyone looks lovely.  To all the girls who have yet to walk down the aisle, I hope your nerves are steady and your checks and many!

I have 4 days to go and I have an awful cold coming on. I woke up with a headache and a sore throat. I've been drinking tea with lemon and honey, as well as airborne all day.  What else should I do?  Damn the hazards of working with children. :( 

Is anyone else under the weather? What are you doing to get healthy?

Was anyone here sick on wedding day?  Did the excitement carry you through?

I want to crawl under my desk and die. :-/ 
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Re: 4 days to go...awful cold coming on

  • lots of rest and fluids.  dayquil and nyquil around the clock.

    hope you feel better...and soon!
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  • Got on here to post about this....and here you are Jenna....I dont know whether to laugh or cry right now.  Last night I asked Bob (FI) if he was feeling okay...and he told me he was...but as the night went on, I could see it setting in...I was Airborne-ing him and he woke up this morning with fever, hot and cold chills, cough....Im going to see if the doctor would be willing to put him on something strong to kick this thing in the butt...hopefully knowing whats going on friday will make a difference in what she can do...you know?  Of course, our doctor...whom we love and she asked not once but like three times if she was invited to the wedding...is the only one who didn't RSVP...even with messages and VM....which is fine...I just hope she will see him like...this morning....I gave him niquil before I came to work with more airborne....I'm thinking about you for sure....I'll be curious to see what everyone else has to say....
    Jessica Wedding Countdown Ticker 120 Invitedimage
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    18 Can't make it image
    1 Are keeping me on the edge of my seat wondering image
  • Vitamin C and lots of it.  Orange Juice and EmergenC always make me feel better.  That and just rest as much as you can. Sorry you are feeling bad but hopefully you'll start to feel better in a day or two.
  • I feel you!  I have been dealing with my cold since last Thursday and my wedding is in 3 days.  I have been taking emergen-c twice a day.  At night I use the zicam nasal spray and breathright strips to clear my congestion.  That combo works wonders which is helping me sleep!  Someone had mentioned to me to use zicam fast melts as they are supposed to shorten the length of the cold.  Whatever I've been doing has definitely made this cold less severe than normal so it has been manageable.  
    Hope you feel better very soon!
    Missing our September Sunflower
    BFP 12/23/12: EDD 9/01/13: MMC 1/31/13, baby stopped growing at 8w2d. D&C 2/01/13
  • when i'm sick i suck on vitamin c losenges as much as possible.  i also drink liquid vitamin c mixed with orange juice.  if you havea  sore throat try zinc losenges.
  • Ditto Vitamin C, zinc, and SLEEP!
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  • In Response to <a href="http://forums.theknot.com/Sites/theknot/Pages/Main.aspx/wedding-club-boards_october-2012-weddings_4-days-to-goawful-cold-coming-on?plckFindPostKey=Cat:Wedding%20Club%20BoardsForum:56b9bcef-1e34-456e-81f5-cfaa107456b2Discussion:81a9d0d4-fc89-4b0a-a036-dd80e31465b0Post:07c1efb4-421f-4736-9b8c-9dfe79c7ab35">4 days to go...awful cold coming on</a>:
    [QUOTE]Hi ladies!  I have had a blast looking at all the wedding recaps and photos.  Everyone looks lovely.  To all the girls who have yet to walk down the aisle, I hope your nerves are steady and your checks and many! I have 4 days to go and I have an awful cold coming on. I woke up with a headache and a sore throat. I've been drinking tea with lemon and honey, as well as airborne all day.  What else should I do?  Damn the hazards of working with children. :(  Is anyone else under the weather? What are you doing to get healthy? Was anyone here sick on wedding day?  Did the excitement carry you through? I want to crawl under my desk and die. :-/ 
    Posted by JennaBirdTheBride[/QUOTE]<div>
    </div><div>I would honestly go to the doctor and get a shot and some meds!  It's not worth it to feel like crap on the most important day of your life. 

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • MegenQMegenQ member
    edited October 2012
    Orange juice and gummy bears, or anything with gelatin in it. Popcicles or frozen fruit to help with the sore throat.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Thanks for all the advice, ladies!  After 30 or so hours of feeling like absolute death, I'm starting to turn the corner - I hope.

    3 days to go!!  :)
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