October 2012 Weddings

QOTD 10.17

Today is a deep question...

Do you think all people are equally valuable, or do you think some people in certain situations might be more valuable than others (say, a severely ill patient vs. a doctor who could potentially save hundreds of lives)?

Re: QOTD 10.17

  • I think all people are equally valuable. My grandmother is more valuable to me than the physician, but the physician is equally as valuable to treat my grandmother or another person. I think if there was a severely ill patient on their death bed, that patient too could potentially save others lives if he/she was an organ donor. Even if they werent, they are always valuable to someone.
  • I'm not actually even sure how to answer that questions. People are equally valuable, but their value depends on different situations. People could become more or less valuable if, like you said, they can save a life or solve major problems (ie, famine, war, etc).
  • That is a tuffy. But you're right: every person is valuable to someone. And while two people may disagree on worth, how could anyone make the distinction of who's opinion is better/ greater/ stronger than the other's? If the right to live, for example, comes down to picking a person based on something nebulous like value, how does one determine the judging criteria? It would be cold, heartless, and highly immoral. It's sadder still to realize that we live in a society that claims all the time that people are not treated differently because of their "value", when the judgment is actually passed and acted upon all the time. We see social injustices everywhere, everyday that is all linked back to a person valuing someone less than another.
    Ovarian cyst lapro: '01, '04, '09 Conal biopsy: '01- results negative Dilation: '03 for cervical scarring Pcos test: '05, FSH and LH normal Mirena removed July '12 My Ovulation Chart
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