October 2012 Weddings

We're Legal!

H and I got our marriage certificate in the mail today! Now I can start the process of changing my name! Planning to get that done once we're back from our honeymoon, so I don't have to worry about names not matching on travel documents.

Has anyone else gotten theirs yet?
October 2012 December Siggy - A Favorite Wedding Photo image

Re: We're Legal!

  • Got ours yesterday and went to SSA and DMV today so I am officially his Mrs. Now if I could only remember to sign my new name!
    Just my two cents! Penny L G M
  • In Response to <a href="http://forums.theknot.com/Sites/theknot/Pages/Main.aspx/wedding-club-boards_october-2012-weddings_were-legal?plckFindPostKey=Cat:Wedding Club BoardsForum:56b9bcef-1e34-456e-81f5-cfaa107456b2Discussion:b645d64f-14fc-4439-848d-de7bc1b09674Post:fb88d150-c90f-43e3-9e3c-bcc0ee07fbbc">Re: We're Legal!</a>:
    [QUOTE]Got ours yesterday and went to SSA and DMV today so I am officially his Mrs. Now if I could only remember to sign my new name!
    Posted by pennylg[/QUOTE]

    Oh gosh, I know...I am NOT looking forward to that part. I have to sign my name to documentation at work multiple times per day, and I just know I'm going to forget!
    October 2012 December Siggy - A Favorite Wedding Photo image
  • The lady at the DMV started laughing at me when I signed my old name... btw, I was in and out of there in 12 minutes (including a new photo) - record setting time!
    Just my two cents! Penny L G M
  • I also got mine today!  I said right to husband right away let's go to the DMV! but it was 4:58 so they were closed!  I will hopefully be able to do it next week. 

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  • edited October 2012
    I want to print off the application for our marriage certificate but my printer doesn't worrrrk, ugggh. Sometime soon I'll have to go print it on someone else's printer. In the meantime I should figure out how to sign my new name. It's taken a long time to develop my current signature into two letters followed by straight lines with a couple random bumps. 
  • edited October 2012
    Hahahaha I haven't even been down to file the license yet! We will try Friday, we have 30 days, so that's not an issue. Work is just insane now that we have returned from our HM. We can get licensed copies same day, though - and I will go straight to DMV and social security
    ~~Mendi~~ ...Everyone has their price; mine's chocolate Photobucket
  • i hope we get ours soon after we are married!

    I'm actually used to signing my married last name becuase i started a business in that name. when i answer business e-mails or calls it's always "Christina Fleming" so I'm kinda use d to it.
  • Got ours in the mail yesterday, too!
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