October 2012 Weddings

E-ring damaged :-(

Yesterday at work I slammed by hand into something metal, of course it hit right on my E-ring.  I checked it right away and kept checking it to make sure it was ok.  About 1 1/2 hours after I hit it and noticed that one of my amethyst side stones was missing.  A jewler explained to me that there might have been a small fracture when I hit it and when I washed my hands between patients there water loosened it up and most likely it went down the drain.  Had to bring it to a local jeweler who can HOPEFULLY get the right size and color stone to match since the wedding is in 8 days!!!  Fingers crossed it all goes well.

Also we are supposed to (finally) take our engagement pictures this evening, as long as the rain stays away...Nothing like waiting til the last minute :-)

Need my fellow Oct 2012 Knotties to send good vibes our way!!! 
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