October 2012 Weddings

what should i do?

ok fi finally got around to picking out gifts for his side of the bridal party and he did it all on his own!!! i am so happy he took time to do it himself without me even bugging him to to do this only problem is what he picked out he out he didn't  order them yet !!! and i dont know if i should tell thimi dont think  it's think its a good idea!!! he got his brother cufflinks (how often his brother actually will use these i have no idea- they will also be engraved with his name and best man ) he got his friend a money clip < also engraved with name and groomsman> and he picked a keychain for our ring bearer < who is 5 and doesnt even have any keys!!! also engraved with name and ring bearer!>  when things are personalized with wedding titles they have very little use after the wedding! i understand that but he probally doesnt realize that! i just dont want him to think i am putting  down his ideas/ motivation to do something wedding related but i think as nice as those choices are they arent exactly personal!

Re: what should i do?

  • Are they already engraved/purchased or just ideas?  I agree that the keychain is a little silly.  Just buy him a toy he will like!  I think they money clip is handy, and I don't know if guys notice the title, but I would mind it if I got one as a BM.  If it were me, I probably wouldn't intervene other than the RB gift because he knows his guys better than you.

  • Maybe tell him what you think. I don't know I've been with FI for 5 years so I don't hold anything back. lol But that's just me. Just tell him how you feel and say "hey you can take it or leave it, it's up to you". Not in a mean way of course- in a hey this is what I think... type of way. I think you have some valid points... 
    BabyFetus Ticker
  • i do alway tell him how i feel but i always feel like i am shooting down all his ideas! lol we have been together for almost 5 years!
  • I would just ask him, "Hey, I think these are really nice ideas. Do you think that [name] will be able to use this after the wedding?" Or, "Do you have any other ideas?" Maybe show him what you got- "See, I got my girls personalized robes... but they don't say [bridesmaid] because i felt that it would be kind of useless after the weddng." 

    Men tend to be oblivious about these things. 
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  • I'd just say to pick your battles. You can bring it up, but if he thinks it's something his guys will like, it's on him not you. If you have been shooting down other ideas, maybe this is one thing you could just let go.
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