October 2012 Weddings

Boudoir photos! I have to tell someone... PIP

I had my boudoir session yesterday and it was SO MUCH FUN! The company I went with has a studio and specializes in boudoir AND pin-up girl photos. The photographer's assistant did my hair and make-up and it was all very Marilyn. I loved it. They are supposed to be sending me a link to my photos sometime today. If the pinup pictures are as cute as I think they will be, I will have to post some on here just because I am so excited! I need someone to share with since they are a surprise to FI.

I have a WEIRD STORY to tell though! So I get there and they tell me to go into the changing room and take off anything that might be leaving a mark on my skin (bra, etc), put on a robe, and come out so they could start my hair and make-up. I sit down in the chair, and after a minute or two, I feel something on my leg. I am HORRIBLY afraid of bugs, and was scared there was a spider in the robe. So I leaned forward and peaked in, and saw something gray. So I shook the robe and pulled it back farther, and heard a SQUEAK! At first I thought it was a mouse, but then I caught a glimpse of WINGS. THERE WAS A BAT IN MY ROBE! I jumped up and screamed that I had a bat in my robe, and the photographer and his assistant gave me a weird look. I repeated that there was a BAT in my robe, and stood there holding out the side of the robe the bat was on. I wanted to strip the robe off right then and there, but I was naked underneath! So after the shock wore off, the assistant and I ran back into the dressing room and I stripped the robe off (at that point, I didn't care what she saw) and threw over the wall to the photographer. He took it outside and had to swat it away with a broom. It was pretty lethargic, so there must have been something wrong with it. This thing was a pretty good size too! Wing span was over a foot!

So that definitely broke the ice! Wasn't nervous after that incident! They were horrified and gave me $150 worth of upgrades for free. I'm a good sport though. We all had a good laugh about it afterwards. (I'm now known as Batgirl!) Thank GOD it didn't bite me. Rabies/rabies shots doesn't really sound attractive.

Anyway, here is a sneak peak of my hair and makeup for the pin-up girl part! Sorry it's sideways!

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Re: Boudoir photos! I have to tell someone... PIP

  • O-M-G!!!  I have never heard of such a thing!! I probably would have had a heart attack, right then and there!  I'm glad it turned out well in the end!

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • OMG I would have freaked out too!  LOL too bad they did have the camera ready though, might of been a neat shot!  Love your hair & makeup!!!  Looks great!
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • OMG, I would have been flipping out if there was a BAT in my robe.  How does that even happen?

    On the bright side, your hair and make up look awesome!  I bet your pictures will turn out great!
  • You look awesome! I'm glad you had a good time. I bet your FI will appreciate that you put up with a bat in your robe in order to take those pics for him! :)
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  • I am deathly afraid of bats! I would have cried and probably stripped naked right in front of everyone!  You are one brave girl to have behaved so, what I would call, calm.

    Your hair and makeup look great!
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  • I would have DIED if that happened to me.

    Glad you were able to relax and have fun after that though!
  • edited August 2012

    Cant wait to see the sneak peak of pics!!!!  I have wanted to do this, but its just not going to happen...I'm actually going to try to do it for a Chrstmas present this year...since there's just not enough time in the schedule before the wedding.....I've been wanting to see how someone elses came out tho....thanks in advance for sharing!!!

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  • hahahaha, sorry but that made my morning!  I'm so glad it didn't bite you!  How does that happen?!

    Your hair and makeup look awesome though!  I hope mine goes as well....minus a bat!

  • edited August 2012
    Thanks for the compliments everyone! I absolutely loved the hair and makeup. It was the first time in my life I've ever felt beautiful! I can't tell you how much fun the photo shoot was.

    As far as the bat goes, they said they were amazed at how calm I was too! The assistant was more freaked out than I was. When she was doing my eyeliner, it was hard for her to keep her hand steady. Then she kinda glued my left eye shut when she was putting my false lashes on! As she was fanning my eyes, she accidentally swatted my nose! Everything was funny really.

    They were really glad I didn't freak out and yell at them! LOL I don't think I have ever laughed so hard in my life. Like really?! A BAT in my ROBE?! Hahahaha!
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • This story is hilarious, and I love how good-natured you were about the whole thing! The staff must have felt lucky to have had someone like you there who would see the humor in the craziness.
  • HOLY COW! The pictures are ready! The pictures are ready! I can't wait to go to my sister's house on lunch and look at them! I just can't wait until 5!
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Awwww! I'm doing a boudoir shoot in 2 weeks and I'm SO excited. Hopefully no bats show up at mine though cuz I'll definitely pass out. Guaranteed!
    Hope they turned out to your liking but if I may, I'm sure they'll be awesome. Your hair and make up look amazing!
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • haha, you certainly handled that well.

    20/20 hindsight-you probably should have put the bat in a box or something and either taken it to the CDC or a vet to make sure it wasn't rabid or to see what was wrong with it. By just letting it loose if there was something wrong its possible it's just going to die. Of course when you're caught off guard and scared you don't think about that kind of stuff...you just think of how to get out of the situation. 

    Looking forward to seeing your sneak peeks
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  • That's crazy! Definitely a great story though, but I'm sure you can't tell your FI if the pics are a surprise!! I hope you do share a preview, I desperately want to do some of the pictures!
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