I had my boudoir session yesterday and it was SO MUCH FUN! The company I went with has a studio and specializes in boudoir AND pin-up girl photos. The photographer's assistant did my hair and make-up and it was all very Marilyn. I loved it. They are supposed to be sending me a link to my photos sometime today. If the pinup pictures are as cute as I think they will be, I will have to post some on here just because I am so excited! I need someone to share with since they are a surprise to FI.
I have a WEIRD STORY to tell though! So I get there and they tell me to go into the changing room and take off anything that might be leaving a mark on my skin (bra, etc), put on a robe, and come out so they could start my hair and make-up. I sit down in the chair, and after a minute or two, I feel something on my leg. I am HORRIBLY afraid of bugs, and was scared there was a spider in the robe. So I leaned forward and peaked in, and saw something gray. So I shook the robe and pulled it back farther, and heard a SQUEAK! At first I thought it was a mouse, but then I caught a glimpse of WINGS. THERE WAS A BAT IN MY ROBE! I jumped up and screamed that I had a bat in my robe, and the photographer and his assistant gave me a weird look. I repeated that there was a BAT in my robe, and stood there holding out the side of the robe the bat was on. I wanted to strip the robe off right then and there, but I was naked underneath! So after the shock wore off, the assistant and I ran back into the dressing room and I stripped the robe off (at that point, I didn't care what she saw) and threw over the wall to the photographer. He took it outside and had to swat it away with a broom. It was pretty lethargic, so there must have been something wrong with it. This thing was a pretty good size too! Wing span was over a foot!
So that definitely broke the ice! Wasn't nervous after that incident! They were horrified and gave me $150 worth of upgrades for free. I'm a good sport though. We all had a good laugh about it afterwards. (I'm now known as Batgirl!) Thank GOD it didn't bite me. Rabies/rabies shots doesn't really sound attractive.
Anyway, here is a sneak peak of my hair and makeup for the pin-up girl part! Sorry it's sideways!