October 2012 Weddings

I hate people who steal!

Last night our car was broken into.  Wedding is this Saturday.  

Thank god they didn't steal the two bridesmaids and my moms dress from the truck.  But they did manage to take my Sign in book and some random cd's!  I'm so upset but at this point crying wont' solve anything.  I have to wait to do anything until tomorrow.  (when i get paid because i have 5 bucks to my name.  I feel so flipping broke!!!
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Re: I hate people who steal!

  • A-S-S-H-O-L-E-S-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • I am so sorry to hear that!  Why would someone steal a sign in book?  Some people have no morals!

    Cheer up, everything will work out.
  • That is infuriating! I'm sorry :( We had a huge can of mixed nuts stolen from the car the night after our wedding. We had taken in our gifts, and left the two cans, napkins, mints - someone swiped the unopened can of nuts! It wasn't huge in light of 'what could have' - but still ticked me off
    ~~Mendi~~ ...Everyone has their price; mine's chocolate Photobucket
  • I would be on fire if it was me, I am really sorry it happened to you! But it could have been much worse! They only broke in and didn't steal the car or the dresses!
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Makes me so mad!!  FI accidentally left the garage door open a few months ago and someone walked into our garage, broke into his car and stole our GPS.  People suck!  
    Anniversary wedding-1 my read shelf:
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  • Someone stole My phone the day of my wedding! We got it back but it was  a lot of drama! if they wedding had not been so beautiful it would have been horrible! But the beauty of the day out shined it! I'm sure your day will too! 
    for siggy
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