October 2012 Weddings

RSVPS have stalled... boo

The invites have been out for 1.5 weeks and there was an initial flurry of about 7 and then it's been crickets since Saturday. 

This makes me feel guilty for every RSVP card I have ever held on to in the past.  I promise to be more respectful in the future  Cool

Re: RSVPS have stalled... boo

  • I was getting 4/day last week... I'm down to 1 for this whole week!  I feel you! 
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  • Me too! They were coming in hot for a while lol, and now we're lucky if we got 1 a day!  I also agree that I will never hold on to an RSVP that I already know the response to ever again in my life haha.
  • Mine were stalled for a long time, with just one or two coming a day... if that. My RSVP date is next week, and as you can see by my count I'm waiting on a ton still! 

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  • My RSVP deadline is TODAY!  I will be following up with people over the long weekend, but fortunately things don't look too bad.  Mostly FI's family.  I found the return rate to pick up towards the end, I'm hoping the same for you, too!
  • I had a lot at the beginning and i havent had ANY for two weeks now. C'mon people, check a box and throw it in the mailbox. It's not hard.
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  • I'm sooooo happy to hear I'm not the only one who started out strong with RSVPs and has now fizzled :-(  I was starting to think they got lost in the mail! My deadling is 9/8, but I buffered because I really need the final count by 9/15
  • We had four over the first three days - then nothing the last week! I know my family is coming, they just aren't RSVP'ing. I know a set of friends I sent invitations to are NOT coming, and won't RSVP until last minute. FI didn't send many, and he can chase those down later.
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  • Our first few days we got a ton each day.  I think I got 4 on Tuesday and 7 yesterday and 3 today so they have been slow.  I've gotten about half of them.
  • I have managed to bug 3 people and get reasons why they haven't sent yet. I still have a few people that I will email or call next week and see what's up.
  • All of my RSVP's are now in except for 2. Our deadline was last week. We've been on vacation and just got back so we'll be folowing up. I started following up though and reminding people a few days before the deadline so I think that helped us a lot. We got a ton in the first week or two then nothing until about 2 weeks before. They came in like crazy towards the end!
  • We've gotten at least one a day since Tuesday, and I'm excited!

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  • we got 3 saturday, 3 monday, 9 Tuesday, 2 yestarday and 2 today! i know a ton of people are coming they just havent sent them back yet ( no one in my family has sent it in yet... i guess thats why i am such a procrastinator )!!! its annoying!
  • Thanks for the encouragement ladies. We got 1 tonight, but it was an important one to the FI, so it was a happy night. I'll be heading home this weekend and will have to give some family members the stink-eye.
  • It's funny how it's a lot of  our family that haven't sent theirs in yet.  I know my immediate family is all coming but I want the official stamped rsvp card to add to my pile  and check off the list :)  I feel that my return rate has been pretty good so far.  The due date is October 1st so a good month away yet.
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