I was talking to my sister this evening and she said, "did you send an invitation to mr. X". I said yes, of course. She asked if they were mailed the same time as the others. I said yes, why?? She was talking to her mother-in-law who was talking to mr. X... mom-in-law asked him, "are you coming down (from MA to NJ) for the wedding?". He said "I don't know, I never got an invitation".
Long story even longer...I am now in a panic that other people didn't revieve their invitation!!! I did get a handful of reponses back and a few people have let me know the recevied it, they're just waiting back for approval for time off from work. But there's still alot of rsvp's that are m.i.a.!!
I suppose I just need to wait until the response date for me to start contacting people, right?? Now I'm not going to be able to sleep tonight!!