okay, long story short: i didn't want my dad to walk me down the aisle because he left my family about 8 years ago and i didn't really have a relationship with him. i planned to walk alone but my mom almost had a heart attack when i told her so i agreed to let her walk me. i hadn't told my dad yet becuase i don't like confrontation ad emotional messes.
he texts me a few weeks ago and asks why he isn't walking me. i told him he doesn't deserve it adn he apologized for being a deadbeat. he also said he was very hurt, blah blah. he texts me again later to ask me to reconsider.
i struggled with teh decision a lot! i talked to someone i trust who has known my family for a very long time (before my dad left) and made my choice last night. i was thinking of letting him do it with my mom just to make it easier, but then i realized i wouldn't want any pictures of myself walking down the aisle because i don't want to see my dad beside me. we aren't a happy little family and i'm certainly not portraying that.
i felt so much better after telling him my choice.