Vendor Reviews - 5/8

psmith1216psmith1216 member
Hi Everyone! 

I am sadly back from Maui (I highly rec that place for your honeymoon!) and I have some vendor reviews for you!  I have to say I didn't have a bad vendor, everything went exactly as planned and I give everyone an A+!  It was the best day!  :)

I had been updating my wedding website (not via theknot) with my vendor information so here is the link to read the reviews and see some pics.  Waiting for the photographer's photos but the ones I posted are from friends and they will work for now.

Email or message me with any questions or for more info! 

Webiste (once on the main page - click on "Planning" on the left):

Re: Vendor Reviews - 5/8

  • LindsMullinixLindsMullinix member
    Fifth Anniversary 1000 Comments
    edited December 2011
    Congrats - I would love to see some more photos of the church when you get the professional's back.  your hair and makeup turned out amazing!
    BabyFruit Ticker
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