Free bridal portraits in exchange for helping with a class at Meadowlark Gardens (Vienna)

My friend, who is the resident photographer at Meadowlark Botanical Gardens, will be conducting a photography workshop on Saturday, April 9, 2011 at Meadowlark Botanical Gardens in Vienna, Virginia. He needs brides (women in wedding dresses) to be "models" for the students participating in the workshop.

A bride is needed for each of the following shifts: 8am-9am, 9am-10am, 10am-11am, and 11am-12pm. In exchange for your time, you will be provided with a CD of digital images taken by the students and the instructor. (You will be asked to sign a "model release" so that the students can include the photos that they take of you in their portfolios.) This is a great opportunity for budget-savy brides to receive free bridal portraits in one of the area's most sought-after wedding venues!

Your actual wedding date can be before or after the day of the workshop--he just needs women who will make a commitment to show up and then patiently pose in their wedding gowns as he recommends various poses and locations in the park.

If you are interested, please e-mail the instructor (wbfolsom@verizon.net) your contact information and the shift that you are interested in.  (I've posed for one of his classes before and I'm on his website (www.wfolsom.com) sitting on a bench and leaning against a column!  He's a really good photographer and Meadowlark is such a beautiful park!)
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