
Mock Ups and Stem Count - Florists


I called at least one of the florists that was referred to me in another thread but, after getting the estimate, found out that the florist does not provide mock-ups or stem count.  Did you get a mock-up or stem count?  I'm trying to figure out how common this is.  FI was not going for it and I can't really blame him b/c, other than just using my imagination and hoping that I was right (when I'm not a florist and don't really know), I really didn't know what I would have been purchasing.

Can someone recommend a florist that provides mock ups and stem count?

Re: Mock Ups and Stem Count - Florists

  • edited December 2011
    I just booked Leslie with Southern Stems and her proposal was very detailed with how many stems of what flowers being used. I'm not sure about a mock-up, but we are doing a bridal portrait bouquet which will be a smaller version of the bridal bouquet. But, I do have to pay for that.

    She was very easy to work with and had great communication over email.
  • winter443winter443 member
    1000 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    I just booked unique floral expressions and she provided the number of stems for each bouquet in her estimate but there weren't any mock ups included.  I'm sure she would be open to doing it though but there may be an extra cost associated with it.

    I believe on occasions provides mock-ups but I've never met with them, a couple of knotties have used on occasions though and say she provides a "play with flowers" consultation to try out bouquets/arrangements.
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  • edited December 2011
    Thank you ladies. I will look into these florists.  If I can at least get a stem count, I (and my FI) would feel much better about what we are purchasing.
  • edited December 2011
    Heather from Stylish Stems gave me a stem count in my contract, but I just am getting bouquets from Im not really sure what she would do for CPs. Good Luck!
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