
HELP!!! Dress Emergency

My wedding is in 2 months, in New Orleans. I bought a dress to wear after the reception because we are doing a second line parade and an after-party on Bourbon Street and I thought my wedding dress would be to hot/heavy for all that. Well my after-party dress got completely ruined in storage (I've taken it to professionals there is no saving it). Any suggestions on where I can get a dress with 2 months to go.  Short or long is fine.  I still want to look bridal - just be able to move. My original dress was like a typical beach wedding dress.  I'm XS so most samples won't fit me. Any suggestions appreciated.TIA

Re: HELP!!! Dress Emergency

  • edited December 2011
    I know most samples won't fit you, but I think that is your best option right now. Go to Bride Beautiful in Roswell. They have sample dresses that come in small sizes (like a 4). Even if you have to get a dress that is a little big, you can go have it altered down. You still have enough time for that. HTH. Good luck with your search. BTW, you can also try to find a dress that someone else has worn if that is ok with you.
  • edited December 2011
    You could also try Le Dress in Buckhead. They are a wedding/cocktail dress consigment shop so they will probably have a range of sizes. Good luck!
  • squishy99squishy99 member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    thanks so much ladies!
  • edited December 2011
    email me! erica at itsvapour dot com
    Baby Boxer is coming! 5.23.12
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