
Tipping vendors

Which vendors are supposed to get tips?

Re: Tipping vendors

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    edited December 2011
    Not sure which vendors are supposed to get tips, but when I looked back on my wedding day, the person that I relied on most, to make my day happen, was my DOC. I gave her the largest tip. I also tipped my DJ
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    edited December 2011
    Is it customary for the DJ and photographer to receive a meal prior to the reception or is this sort of thing in lieu of the tip?  I ask b/c we are paying for our DJ and photographer to get the meal that everyone is receiving but if we are to give them a tip too, then maybe they can grab something before they come. LOL.
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    bambijamesonbambijameson member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    I tipped the dj and made sure the dj and photographer had meals.  I also made sure the officiant received a tip. I didn't have a anyone else I felt should receive a tip.
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    julietevejulieteve member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    Unless tip is included, you are suppose to tip everyone unless they are the owner of the company. 
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    edited December 2011
    you don't need to tip a DJ or photographer.This is who you generally tip:Servers, bartenders, DOC, officiant, hair/makeup artistYou are supposed to feed every vendor that is there for the duration of the wedding, other than waitstaff (DOC, Photog, DJ)it is not neccessary to tip anyone else. Of course you can if you choose to. You can see my previous post with a link to a tipping "cheat sheet"
    PhotobucketAnniversary Holiday
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