My FH and I got engaged on 9/08/09 and are planning a spring 2011 wedding. I know it's a while out, but we're paying for the wedding ourselves and need time to save. Oh, and I need to graduate grad. school too (May 2010) and find a job. Anyway, we're looking for places to have an elegant wedding that is fairly inexpensive. We're trying to keep the wedding costs under $10,000 (really, we'd like to keep it more like $5,000). We would love to have the ceremony and reception in Atlanta because literally all of our guests will be traveling from out of town--we're both from Michigan and I have family all over (Texas, Florida, North Carolina). We have only lived here for 2.5 years so we're still very new to EVERYTHING. Anyone have any suggestions? I absolutely LOVE the Piedmont Room but I think it may be out of our budget because we want to have a holiday weekend wedding (Labor Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July) so that people don't have to take too much time off of work to travel.We still have plenty of time to plan and visit venues and everything. I'm just looking for suggestions for venues, photographers, music, wedding coordinators/planners, etc.