My sister has always has incredibly low self-esteem and usually tries to compete with other people's successes in life instead of being proud of them. My parents do a lot of all of their kids, but whenever my sister finds out that they did something for someone else, she gets really jealous. It's always been hard for me to have a sister that was more interested in one-upping other people than sharing with them in their happiness, which has gotten worse since she's been with her husband who is the same way and encourages jealous thoughts. Back in June, we were all at my parents' house helping them move in, and she threw a fit when she found out that my parents were renovating the bathroom of their rental house that we rent from them. As the movers were bringing in boxes of stuff, she started asking if she could have all kinds of stuff. One of the things she asked for was an Oriental rug. My mom said, "That might be a possibility if I change some of my color scheme" but nothing else was discussed. The next day when my sister and her husband were leaving, my mom walked out to the car to say goodbye and they had that rug strapped to the roof of their van. When she came back in, she said, "I can't believe they took my rug." Anyway, she ended up asking for my sister to bring it back and my sister got pissed about that so she stopped talking to my mom. My FI (who has known my sister for years and they lived together in college) sent my sister an email saying, "You shouldn't be mad at your family for something as trivial as a rug. It's not worth it." My sister got even more angry and posted all this nasty stuff on facebook about me and how I get all kinds of stuff (By the way, she's 27). Then, she uninvited me from her daughter's 1 year birthday party. The thing I realized from all of this was that my sister had been carrying with her for years a deep-seeded resentment for me, which was hard to accept. That all happened in June and now it's October and we haven't spoken since. I need to send out my save the date cards, but I don't know what to do when it comes to her. I know she won't apologize for what she said and it almost seems like this event (which had nothing to do with me and I wasn't involved in) was perfect timing for her to express these feelings she has had for me. I guess I'm trying to figure out if I should invite someone (who probably won't come) just because she is my sister, even though she despises me. Any advice is appreciated!