
Curly Willow or Bare Limb Trees!!!

Ok, I know I would probably get a better response if I posted on the flowers or decorating board, but I really want to keep this local.  I am in need of some very tall (6 - 7 ft) curly or corkscrew willows branches.  I don't mind even cutting my own if someone will allow! 

I also need some tall trees (6-7 ft) that have no leaes at all on them.  I don't care if they are dead or not! lol

As you might have picked up on, I am doing a winter wonderland wedding, and I have a TINY budget.  I'm talking under 1000 for everything.  I have gotten everything else at great prices and I can't justify spending 200 on one tree. HELP!

Re: Curly Willow or Bare Limb Trees!!!

  • Have u searched online for curly willow?also are u sure your venue won't already be decorated for the holidays? That could save u a lot on decor possibly.
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