
Wednesday: AW, Confessions, Open Letter, Vent


Re: Wednesday: AW, Confessions, Open Letter, Vent

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    edited December 2011
    Dear Mother Nature,
    Lets keep temps above 60 from now on.  K?  Thanks dude.
    <3 Person ready for spring

    AW for DH - He went back to the doc today for another follow up and the doc is impressed with how well he's healing... to the point of taking a picture of his ankle to keep :)  He can start "walking" like frankenstein in his boot now, and needs to go to PT in two weeks to try walking without the boot.  Yayyyyyy!

    I confess I dislike my job so much that I bought Mega Millions and Powerball tix last night (I never buy lotto tix).  I'm desperate to GTFO.
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    Amerbutt81Amerbutt81 member
    First Anniversary First Comment
    edited December 2011
    Confession-- I really like that Avril Lavigne song.  And it's stuck in my head.

    all my life I've been good, but now.  IIiIII just wanna mess around...
    Mrs. JEGs
    est 7.17.10
    Hunter Fillmore
    October 1, 2011

    Lizzie In Progress
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    edited December 2011
    I confess I like Willow Smith's new song, 21st Century Girl.  It's really Rihanna-esque, which makes sense since she was signed to Jay-Z's label.
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    amy727amy727 member
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    edited December 2011
    Dear Work Higher Ups:
    We are not stupid.  When we see all the AVP's gone we know you are all in meetings talking about the conversion that is going on.  Stop putting off the announcement and just get it over with.

    Your Impatient Employee
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    Amerbutt81Amerbutt81 member
    First Anniversary First Comment
    edited December 2011
    Hil that's great!  He's making a speedy recovery!
    Mrs. JEGs
    est 7.17.10
    Hunter Fillmore
    October 1, 2011

    Lizzie In Progress
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    edited December 2011
    I confess that after a long hiatus from listening to club music, I am addicted to all the new club-ish fast beats/songs that are coming out.  ADDICTED... Like blow out my eardrums addicted.  Too bad I'm an old lady and don't go out anymore.

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    FutureMrsTCTFutureMrsTCT member
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    edited December 2011
    Confession - I do not give a ish about anything today....and I'm so done with classes. I just want it to all be over already.

    Hil - 1) awesome news about the hubby 2) I'll sign your open letter to mother nature as well!
    *~~*The Future Mrs. Coulter-Thurley*~~*
    Siggy Challenge Pic with BM
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    Jesster153Jesster153 member
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    edited December 2011
    Amer- I confess I've also had Avrils songs stuck in my head the last couple days. It was gone but you reminded me and now it's back haha

    Yay for your hubbie Hil!

    I confess I've been feeling really down in the dumps lately and focusing on the negative issues staring me in the face rather than the positives and its been hard to snap out of it :-/
    Siggy Challange: Me and my girls :)
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    a.lemma4a.lemma4 member
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    edited December 2011
    I confess I'm super nervous/stressed. At 1030 my boss is having a meeting to get an office space approved for me. Everyone please cross your fingers that there's no trouble getting it approved!!
    Siggy Challenge - Favorite Pic of FI - Tan and Fuzzy, Just the way I like him ;-) imageWedding Countdown Ticker
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    a.lemma4a.lemma4 member
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    edited December 2011
    Hil - YAY FOR HUBS!!
    Siggy Challenge - Favorite Pic of FI - Tan and Fuzzy, Just the way I like him ;-) imageWedding Countdown Ticker
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    edited December 2011

    Dear April- Hurry up, K? We all know spring doesn't really start around here till you show up. Thanks.

    <3- someone who loves winter, but is soo ready for short sleeves.

    Dear UPS/Fredericks-

    PLEASE let my stuff be delivered today. Otherwise, i'm gonna be in a world of hurt running around trying to find stuff for the pics.

    <3- a very anxious girl

    Confession- I'm really beginning to worry about this certification class I'm taking. Using a fax machine? Really? There's a whole chapter about it. Is that completely necessary...?

    Hil- Yay for the hubby!

    TTC since 12/17/11
    BFP 02/19/2012
    M/C 03/05/2012 *we love you, angel* BabyFruit Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    Amerbutt81Amerbutt81 member
    First Anniversary First Comment
    edited December 2011
    I confess I have no motivation to do anything today and I am having serious thoughts about curling back up into bed.
    Mrs. JEGs
    est 7.17.10
    Hunter Fillmore
    October 1, 2011

    Lizzie In Progress
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    edited December 2011
    dear HR lady,
    i sent you a very nice email yetserday asking for your advice on something.  thank you so much for not even taking the time to respond, i really appreciate it.  i really work for the worst company ever.

    dear FI,
    i hate that you take for granted the amazing company you work for. 
    October 2012 May 2011 Siggy: E-Ring
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
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    edited December 2011

    Confession - Ditto on the Avril song. I am a fan and it's stuck in my head again...

    AW - Level 3 again this morning and it had me feeling really good, thinking "This really isn't THAT bad. I can do this now!"

    Dear Lemma,

    I am super jealous of your office space. I am at the front desk in our lobby because we don't have any admin/secretary so I serve the purpose of one along with my normal job. And I despise it. Same with being out in the open to do fun things like sign for packages and bring in the mail.

    Seriously, good luck with your office though, I hope it all works out!!!

    Bitter Betty ;P

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic image BabyFruit Ticker
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    edited December 2011
    Open Letter to my uncle- I'm sorry I didn't try harder to get to know you better. RIP

    AW - Down 11 lbs from Nov and starting to see some muscle definition in my arms. 15 lbs to go!

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    edited December 2011

    AW - my husband rocks. we are going to opening day!

    Hil - great news about the hubs!

    I confess - I do not know the new Avril or Willow song. Going to youtube.

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    edited December 2011
    I confess that I like LadyJ's drunky sig pic.
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    edited December 2011
    Dear Insurance Company,
    What.  The.  F.   
    DH added me to his policy with coverage beginning March 1, I never got a card but we're being billed for me to be on it.. When I called to get a card, you say you have no record of me.  I currently have no insurance according to you and had to cancel an important doctors appt because they wanted me to pay out of pocket since they had no proof of insurance.  You're pissing me off.  You better get this figured out today, when I call you and DH's HR department and demand to conference call you guys in to figure it out amongst yourself.
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    LadyJ10LadyJ10 member
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    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href=" Wedding BoardsForum:105Discussion:568494d1-9a0e-4c24-ad60-f24218322782Post:86e3b683-b1d8-4692-b2aa-9074ccc3de16">Re: Wednesday: AW, Confessions, Open Letter, Vent</a>:
    [QUOTE]I confess that I like LadyJ's drunky sig pic.
    Posted by miguelhilary2010[/QUOTE]


    I confess that I've been in a terrible mood for the past day and a half, I can't shake it, and I don't even care.

    Dear Coworkers,
    Just leave me alone, unless you're bringing me chocolate or another form of sugar. I promise it's for your own good.
    And they're the five best friends that anyone could have, the five best friends that anyone could have! Photobucket
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    LadyJ10LadyJ10 member
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    edited December 2011
    Dear DH's friends,
    I'm sorry that you guys don't keep up with one another, but when I post on FB that we've moved and you respond with a "where?" question, please don't get upset that I'm not flashing my new address all over FB. He's your friend, text him and ask. Or call him and catch up! My friends live all over the country and they knew what was up with me (and they weren't asking him about it).
    And they're the five best friends that anyone could have, the five best friends that anyone could have! Photobucket
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    amy727amy727 member
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    edited December 2011
    I confess for the first time I'm starting to get stressed about planning a wedding from 5 hours away. 
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    edited December 2011
    Dear Jackiebean,

    I love your hair color.

    Wants to be a red head.
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    LadyJ10LadyJ10 member
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    edited December 2011
    Amy, you're so close!!! I can imagine it's stressful, but you're going to have a beautiful wedding!!!
    And they're the five best friends that anyone could have, the five best friends that anyone could have! Photobucket
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    ButtonsPepperButtonsPepper member
    Combo Breaker First Comment
    edited December 2011
    I have my last first trimester Ultra Sound today. It’s actually going to look like a baby this time too and not just a little blob (if all goes well). DH and I are going out tonight to celebrate the little one for the first time if all goes well. We are also going to “go public” and tell our families as only siblings and parents know at this point. I’ll also be “going public” at work tomorrow too. I’m super nervous that everything is going to go well today, but also really excited if it does, to finally be able to be excited about it, and tell family about the great news!
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    edited December 2011
    Good luck BP!
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    amy727amy727 member
    First Anniversary First Comment
    edited December 2011
    BP-  That's so exciting!
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    a.lemma4a.lemma4 member
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    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href=" Wedding BoardsForum:105Discussion:568494d1-9a0e-4c24-ad60-f24218322782Post:c71af36c-a0d5-4db5-a7f1-f5fb355ea72f">Re: Wednesday: AW, Confessions, Open Letter, Vent</a>:
    [QUOTE] <strong>Dear Lemma, I am super jealous of your office space. I am at the front desk in our lobby because we don't have any admin/secretary so I serve the purpose of one along with my normal job. And I despise it. Same with being out in the open to do fun things like sign for packages and bring in the mail. Seriously, good luck with your office though, I hope it all works out!!! Signed, Bitter Betty ;P
    </strong>Posted by Madam A[/QUOTE]

    Haha thanks Madam! I can't stand being out in the open anymore. Everyone is SO loud and love to hold screaming conference calls with their doors open. I really can not wait to be able to just shut my door when that happens. My boss just went up stairs .. now I'm anxious haha.
    Siggy Challenge - Favorite Pic of FI - Tan and Fuzzy, Just the way I like him ;-) imageWedding Countdown Ticker
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    LadyJ10LadyJ10 member
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    edited December 2011
    Yay BP!!!!! So exciting!!!
    And they're the five best friends that anyone could have, the five best friends that anyone could have! Photobucket
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    amy727amy727 member
    First Anniversary First Comment
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href=" Wedding BoardsForum:105Discussion:568494d1-9a0e-4c24-ad60-f24218322782Post:8e42688a-ac4a-4767-8fe4-78a35e676f2a">Re: Wednesday: AW, Confessions, Open Letter, Vent</a>:
    [QUOTE]Amy, you're so close!!! I can imagine it's stressful, but you're going to have a beautiful wedding!!!
    Posted by LadyJ10[/QUOTE]

    BabyFruit Ticker
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    edited December 2011
    So exciting BP!
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