
Obtaining the marriage license

Hello Colorado Knotties,
Our wedding is at the end of the month! My FI is living and working out of state and will be in Colorado 2 days before the wedding. This is when we are planning on obtaining the license. 
My understanding at this point from reading the information on the Colorado website is that we both need our drivers license and social security numbers and both be there in person at the county clerk and recorders office. And it doesnt matter which county we get the license in and which county we get married in. 
I'm a little concerned though about the tight time line. Has anybody else had this experience? Any advice to offer? And please correct me if I'm wrong on any of my assumptions! Thank you in advance!

Re: Obtaining the marriage license

  • edited December 2011
    i don't think the timeline matters, you can get it only up to 30 days out
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  • edited December 2011
    I think (but I'm not sure) that you have to get the license in the county you're getting married in.
  • JessieR933JessieR933 member
    edited December 2011
    No you do not have to get the licence in the county you get married in. We got ours in Jefferson County, but did not get married there. You just have to send it in to the county you got it from when you are done filling it out. 
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  • edited December 2011
    I found out from owner of my Catering company that since we are getting married in Summit County we had to get or license up there in Breckenridge (thank god he told me casue I would have never thought about it).  I personally would research the county and call their offices and ask them to be 100% sure when I called they told me I needed to get it form them.  I think getting it when he is here right before the wedding is ok as long as you put it on the top of your to-do list when he gets in!
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  • edited December 2011
    Ok thank you for your advice! It doesn't seem like the county would matter since you can solemnize your own vows. But I can double check to be on the safe side! 
  • Eggy9293Eggy9293 member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    We actually were married (ceremony) in Vegas and then got our license at the Jefferson County courthouse in Golden when we got back. I kid you not it took us no more than 10 mins to do it. You show up with your license and sign the form twice and you're done. We had to ask the woman like 3 times if that was really all we had to do since we couldn't believe how easy it was. Quick fun little sidenote, if you get the license in Jefferson County it says you were married by Pam Anderson as that is actually the county recorder's name.
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