
Hump Day Wednesday!

It's Hump Day...Now’s the time for Vents, Open Letters and Confessions....Get it off your chest!

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Re: Hump Day Wednesday!

  • I'm going to vague knot here and I don't care. My vent/confession thing is that my life kind of sucks a lot right now. And other people's happiness honestly just hurts, so I'm kind of retreating far away from everyone. And that's not going to be too possible in the next few months, so I'm going to have to get better at putting on a happy face, because right now I suck at it. I wear my emotions on my sleeve all the time and it's a bad habit. If I could just spend the next... oh, 3 or 4 months in my bed, that'd be awesome.
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  • My confession: work has been crazy lately... I'm counting the days til my vacation kicks in (off work from next Wednesday til June)... can't wait to just sit back and relax on our honeymoon!

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    In Response to <a href=" Wedding BoardsForum:105Discussion:8ddc0a37-d944-41a2-9178-6a8b5e625addPost:30e683f6-e6e2-47be-838b-d831aee10fb3">Re: Hump Day Wednesday!</a>:
    [QUOTE]I'm going to vague knot here and I don't care. My vent/confession thing is that my life kind of sucks a lot right now. And other people's happiness honestly just hurts, so I'm kind of retreating far away from everyone. And that's not going to be too possible in the next few months, so I'm going to have to get better at putting on a happy face, because right now I suck at it. I wear my emotions on my sleeve all the time and it's a bad habit. If I could just spend the next... oh, 3 or 4 months in my bed, that'd be awesome.
    Posted by angelstar975[/QUOTE]

    I hope eveything is okay.
  • *** angelstar ***I hope you feel better soon..I went out last weekend with a girlfriend and she ordered me two Ciroc Peach with cranberry and orange being a lighweight, by the end of the the night I felt SOOO much better and I didn't give a fcuk about anything...I slept really well too LOL...I suggest you try it!

    Confession: I ate a whole Burrito Utimo from Baja Fresh for lunch..I've never ate a whole one at one time Embarassed and I haven't been to the gym in over a week, I need to get control of this quick!
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  • My confession is my FMIL, FFIL, FI and I all got wasted two weeks ago at my house. i told them (jokingly) they were not allowed over anymore if we are all going to end up like that. For mother's day we all were drinking water looking at each other cracking up. We are all on the shelf for the next couple of weeks. LOL
  • angelstar - I usually ignore vague posts as AW-y, but yours stuck out as especially sad. :( I truly hope things get better soon.
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  • I have two vents: one my moh just got get dress whew but she doesn't har a plae to alter it! It's 15 days away and you thought it would fit perfectly???!!!! Not my problem but I am annoyed cause she is complaining to me about it. Sorry love it's your problem I have 5 million other things to do. Two: I am over people. Why can't everyone be like me?lol. We were away last weekend and again this weekend, work is crazy busy until I leave, and o yeah I am planning a wedding that happens in two weeks if I can keep track of my sh you most certainty can. Don't expect me to.
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    image 139 Invited so far!
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  • @angelstar - Being engaged and planning a wedding can be such a stressful time.  Hope you are feeling a little better.

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