
rehearsal dinner locations under $1500.00

Looking for a nice place for my rehearsal dinner (we live in Northeast Philadelphia.) That wont break the bank, but is also really elegant and delicious! Thoughts?

Re: rehearsal dinner locations under $1500.00

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    Aqua Thai & Malaysian Restaurant on Chesnut.  They were awesome!  There's a private room upstairs.  We had about 50-60 people and paid less than $2k including gratuity
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    jessica0602jessica0602 member
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker First Comment
    edited June 2012
    Randi's on Grant Ave, my RD and baby shower were both here.
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    Georgine's in Bristol
    Kelly's Seafood on Welsh
    Cafe Longano across from Kelly's on Welsh (unsure of pricing but they are BYOB so if you plan to serve alcohol, that will cut costs)
    Randi's on Grant has great food and I went to a rehearsal dinner there once. It's not very expensive either.

    I've been looking into this too because we need an inexpensive place. Good luck!
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    carluccis near oxford valley mall, also a byob
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    I have had nothing but great expierences from Carluccis (that is where I got engaged!!!) and the My aunt and uncle used Georgines for there wedding a few years ago and they were nice 
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