
Hump Day Wednesday!

It's Hump Day...Now’s the time for Vents, Open Letters and Confessions....Get it off your chest!

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Re: Hump Day Wednesday!

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    Confession 1: Since wedding planning I've never had "opposite" feelings at the same time...I want my wedding to hurry up and come but then I want the time to slow down everytime I see my wedding tickler...wth?! 

    Confession 2: I'm long overdue for a glass of wine!
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    had26had26 member
    First Anniversary First Comment

    Vent:  I HATE being at work when it is so nice outside. 

    Bliss - I am the same as you on the opposite feelings.  I'm ready for the day to get here but still so much to do!  Ditto to that glass of wine, too! :)

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    Vent - FI and I got in a tiff last night about the bachelor party. It's not even on the horizon yet, but we were talking hypothetically. I've said from day one of us dating that I wasn't comfortable with him going to strip clubs. Call it insecurity, trust issues, whatever you want, but it's not really like that. I'm not afraid he's going to bang a stripper. (Can you say that on here? haha) I just feel like it's disrespectful when you're in a serious relationship, especially when you're getting married, to go watch other naked women dance around. FI isn't really into strippers. He's never gone to a strip club of his own accord, but if his friends were doing it, he was fine with going just to hang out with his friends. This was before me.. he hasn't been to one since we've been together, with the exception of this one time we were hanging out with his friends, they wanted to go, so we all did. Not my thing at all, but I'd had quite a few beers that night so I went along with it and it was whatever.

    FI feels like the bachelor party is more for the groomsmen and other friends than it is for him and he says I'm taking away from their good time by saying they can't go. He doesn't agree with me that it's disrespectful to me. He feels like it's the equivalent to watching porn, which I don't have a problem with. To me, it just feels different. I'm not exactly saying "I forbid you to go" but I feel like if he does go, knowing how I feel, he'd be totally disregarding something I feel strongly about and to me that's a pretty big deal.

    I'm also worried it's going to happen and I'll be lied to. That's what happened in my last relationship... there were strippers at my ex's brother's bachelor party and I was lied to about it. I think that was just par for the course in that relationship... not with strippers, but with other things... if I wasn't going to like the truth, he would lie because he didn't want to deal with me.

    Maybe I am insecure... but regardless, I can't just "decide" to be okay with it when I'm just not. He said they just won't go but honestly, I'm sure this won't be the end of it. Blah.

    In other news, I'm going dress shopping tonight, so that should be fun.
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    In Response to <a href=" Wedding BoardsForum:105Discussion:986fcbc6-712c-4e96-afd1-0c8b7f892a0aPost:b4e1fe75-0640-4854-b4da-c327fc2c51ae">Re: Hump Day Wednesday!</a>:
    [QUOTE]Vent - FI and I got in a tiff last night about the bachelor party. It's not even on the horizon yet, but we were talking hypothetically. I've said from day one of us dating that I wasn't comfortable with him going to strip clubs. Call it insecurity, trust issues, whatever you want, but it's not really like that. I'm not afraid he's going to bang a stripper. (Can you say that on here? haha) I just feel like it's disrespectful when you're in a serious relationship, especially when you're getting married, to go watch other naked women dance around. FI isn't really into strippers. He's never gone to a strip club of his own accord, but if his friends were doing it, he was fine with going just to hang out with his friends. This was before me.. he hasn't been to one since we've been together, with the exception of this one time we were hanging out with his friends, they wanted to go, so we all did. Not my thing at all, but I'd had quite a few beers that night so I went along with it and it was whatever. FI feels like the bachelor party is more for the groomsmen and other friends than it is for him and he says I'm taking away from their good time by saying they can't go. He doesn't agree with me that it's disrespectful to me. He feels like it's the equivalent to watching porn, which I don't have a problem with. To me, it just feels different. I'm not exactly saying "I forbid you to go" but I feel like if he does go, knowing how I feel, he'd be totally disregarding something I feel strongly about and to me that's a pretty big deal. I'm also worried it's going to happen and I'll be lied to. That's what happened in my last relationship... there were strippers at my ex's brother's bachelor party and I was lied to about it. I think that was just par for the course in that relationship... not with strippers, but with other things... if I wasn't going to like the truth, he would lie because he didn't want to deal with me. Maybe I am insecure... but regardless, I can't just "decide" to be okay with it when I'm just not. He said they just won't go but honestly, I'm sure this won't be the end of it. Blah. In other news, I'm going dress shopping tonight, so that should be fun.
    Posted by angelstar975[/QUOTE]

    I don't like the stripper idea either. I "told" my FI in the beginning of our relationship that he is not allowed to go to strip clubs...and if I find out he has gone to one he will have to deal with me "going off"...I'm not playing with him!
    On a positive note: Have fun dress shopping you have to tell us how it goes!!!
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    ladies, so unfair!  But I'll hold back on my explanation for fear of getting flammed off this board. 
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: Hump Day Wednesday!</a>:
    [QUOTE]ladies, so unfair!  But I'll hold back on my explanation for fear of getting flammed off this board. 
    Posted by broodc2[/QUOTE]

    Honestly, I'd like to hear your explanation. I'm sure it won't change how I feel, but I'd be interested in hearing another guy's perspective.
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    In Response to <a href=" Wedding BoardsForum:105Discussion:986fcbc6-712c-4e96-afd1-0c8b7f892a0aPost:b1b22e4b-675d-4f6c-96ac-818b3392c351">Re: Hump Day Wednesday!</a>:
    [QUOTE]ladies, so unfair!  But I'll hold back on my explanation for fear of getting flammed off this board. 
    Posted by broodc2[/QUOTE]

    No go on ahead...I want to hear this!!! LOL I promise not to flame you BUT  I have No control over the others lol
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    haha ok, but this one will take some time and though so I'll leave it until after work.  Check back later tonight or tomorrow.  I'll write it up from home after I'm done digging my hole deeper. 
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    My vent is that I'm getting really frustrated with the lack of communication from the florist I want to book. We got our proposal last Tuesday. I emailed her last Wednesday with a question. I heard nothing back, so yesterday morning I called. She had apparently just left, so I left a message with the person who answered the phone stating why I was calling and my cell phone number. STILL haven't heard back. I'm really bummed because they were my first choice, and the consultation went so well. But I can't deal with this lack of communication. If I don't hear back from her by tomorrow, I'm giving up and going with my #2 choice.
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: Hump Day Wednesday!</a>:
    [QUOTE]My vent is that I'm getting really frustrated with the lack of communication from the florist I want to book. We got our proposal last Tuesday. I emailed her last Wednesday with a question. I heard nothing back, so yesterday morning I called. She had apparently just left, so I left a message with the person who answered the phone stating why I was calling and my cell phone number. STILL haven't heard back. I'm really bummed because they were my first choice, and the consultation went so well. But I can't deal with this lack of communication. If I don't hear back from her by tomorrow, I'm giving up and going with my #2 choice.
    Posted by jessa1228[/QUOTE]

    I think that's a good plan... if she can't even get back to you in order to GET your business, how is it going to be once you've already signed a contract and you're stuck?
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