

So, since you are a sci fi nerd (it's okay), I thought you would love this.

DH's adopted grandmother worked on Star Trek.  She's an editor, and edited several of the shows.  She has several things signed by the entire original cast. 

She also has every. single. episode. of Star Trek (all the different series) and Babylon 5.  on VHS.  She is in the process of moving to DVD.  She also names her cats (she has 4 now, but yes, she's an old cat lady) after one of 3 things: musical composers, characters on Star Trek, or characters on Babylon 5.

Did I mention she is almost 80 years old?  Considering the women in her family live to around 100, she's got a good many years left in her.

She's awesome.  We love her to death.

Re: RA

  • edited December 2011
    One of my college professors was on Star Trek.  Actually, he's the only person to play four separate characters on a single season of Star Trek.  That was on Star Trek: Voyager.  He was also on Enterprise... that's his most famous character--Tholos.  He even has his own trading card for his Enterprise character.

    There he is... Tholos.  In all his glory.  He was a bad dude.

    Paprika: I like it when you burp in my ear. It really turns me on.

    Baby Beach, Aruba, 2011
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