My FMIL (Momma G) and her brother were in a rock band in the early 70s. She played the organ. There were a bunch of reel to reel audio tapes floating around, but no one knew where they were- did she have the, did the brother have them or were they destroyed?
Well, JEGs found them in the attic at his parents house. He bought a reel to reel player off of Craigslist, fixed up and transfered the songs to a CD for her.
Instead of just giving her the CDs, he put a bunch of other songs on a CD for her and called it a mixed tape. He nestled one of her songs from the band in there and asked her to go through and identify the songs and the artists. You have to watch her reaction when she realizes what the final song is....
Keep in mind, she hasn't heard these tapes in over 30 years. She thought they were gone.
It totally made my Christmas. Hope you all had an amazing holiday as well.