
Christmas Decorations?

I posted this on the Delaware board, and while I realize that many of you ladies are further north of DE, I figured there were some of you who are close to the DE border, who might be willing to help out in some way (whether it's volunteering or decorations).  Since some of the churches involved are right by the PA/DE border, some of you might be interested in helping out :)

Family Promise of Northern New Castle County ( is an organization that helps to house homeless families in NCCo.  Basically, churches (all denominations, including synogagues) join the network, and host the families for a week.  The families are fed there by congregation members, and sleep there, then they go to either school or the day center, where they recieve job training and help finding housing and employment.  This is the only network/center/shelter that allows families to stay together as a whole.  Every other place in NCCo splits the fathers from the mothers and children.

Anyway, my church is involved.  It was announced, both in church and on the Family Promise facebook page, that they have recieved a donation of a Christmas Tree.  The problem is, they don't have any decorations or ornaments!

I figured I would ask on here if anyone has any ormanents or decorations that they would be willing to donate so that they can decorate the day center.  If you have anything, you can PM or email me.  We are putting our tree up after Thanksgiving and planning on going thru our ornaments to find some to donate.

Also, if anyone has diapers, wipes, or hotel toiletries that they would be willing to donate, let me know- the center is always in need of these!

Thanks so much ladies!  I figured I would ask since all of us are, in some way, better off than these families.  We all have someplace warm to call home, and a bed to lay down on.  These families have nothing-literally- and with it being the holiday season, I figured this would be an easy way to help bring a smile to someone's face.

If you have ornaments or decorations, let me know and we can work something out- either I drive to pick them up, you mail them, we meet halfway.  It's for such a great cause, and I will gladly work something out so the kids that in these horrible circumstances of not having a place to call home during this holiday season.

If you would like to volunteer or help out in person, feel free to PM me and we can talk.  I would love to give info to anyone who is willing to help out!

Re: Christmas Decorations?

  • FutureMrsTCTFutureMrsTCT member
    edited December 2011
    send me a PM of the address I can ship/ drop off ornaments to. I know my mom (who lives close to the DE border and works in Newark) has a few to donante and I'll through mine as well.
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  • edited December 2011
    If you have ornaments, you can mail them to:

    Family Promise
    Christmas Decorations
    2104 St. James Church Rd.
    Wilmington, DE 19808

    This address is also the address for drop off as well. 

    If you are dropping any donations off, please email the executive director, Tamikah Gowans at  She will be able to tell you whether the items you have are in need or they have a sufficient supply at that time. 

    If you have other items of use, such as hotel toiletries and Diapers/wipes, these are always in need.  They also are looking for the following (all donations are tax writeoffs and you will receive a receipt:

    Computers able to run Windows XP
    Office equipment:
    Medium use network-capable printer
    Office furniture
    Desks, computer tables and bookshelves
    Vacuum Cleaner
    Loveseat/comfy chairs/sofa
    leads on employment or affordable housing

    if you have something you are thinking of donating, email them or PM me and I can help you find out if they need it.

    For more info, you can visit these two sites:

    They are also on FB.  Search Family Promise of Northern New Castle County, and become a fan!  Spread the word about this awesome and unique way of helping out in the community :)

  • Stacylynn702Stacylynn702 member
    edited December 2011
    My church does a giving tree.  Volunteers make paper ornaments and on them write the name of one small item.  Parishoners then take a paper ornament from the tree and purchase what's written on the paper (men's deoderant, shampoo, children's mittens...).  Then a week or 2 before Christmas, they bring in that item wrapped to put under the tree along with an ornament (it can me homemade, from the dollar store or something fancy, doesn't matter).
  • edited December 2011
    Stacy- we do the same thing, with underprivelged youth in our area :)
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