A distance growing between you and your single friends since you got engaged??
It seems like the past month or two have really been tough on my friendships. And I'm trying to find balance between my married self and former single self. Meaning, I used to go out and do happy hour once a week with my girls, do hangover breakfast the next day and then shop or do man/pedis together. Since getting engaged and working on our house & wedding, it seems like I have less and less time and desire to do these things with my single friends. And it's awkward a little now when we do get together because it feels like we have less in common now. I mean, they still send me drunk texts about the "hottie" they met and are partying with, it's just I don't seem to want to engage in the same ways with them as I did when I was single. It's hard. Do any of you feel like this too??
PS- sorry for the double posts today, work is slow