North Carolina-Outer Banks

Welcome Bags

A couple of weeks ago I found a bunch of those great plastic sand castle pails at Target in the $1 bin so I stocked up on them to use as welcome bags/gifts for our guests.  Does anyone have some ideas of what to fill them with?  We are probably going to get the personalized water bottles that have our names, date, etc on them, some small packages of goldfish crackers or something, and I am running out of 'cute' beachy ideas of what to put in there?  I also read on here a while ago that the OBX visitors bureau will send visitors guides to you for free, so I will probably include those so people have ideas of what to do when in town for the wedding.

Anyone have suggestions of other 'favors' to put in the welcome bag??  Thanks!!

Re: Welcome Bags

  • OBX2011OBX2011 member
    2500 Comments Fifth Anniversary 25 Love Its First Answer
    edited December 2011
    Visitors guides are a great idea!  Make sure it also includes a large map of the Outer Banks as well as the Sundy Day Coupon Book, which are also free and provided by the chamber of commerce or either the welcome center.  You could add chapstick, obx koozies, obx sitckers and mini-bottles of sunblock...if those even exist, ohh and mini anti-bacterial stuff too.  Im not sure how many welcome bags you are doing, but I am only doing mine for the out of town family that is actually staying the whole week with us.  I have already sweet talked the mgmt company into letting me in the house while the cleaners are there to put the welcome bags on their beds so they will see them as soon as they walk into their room.  If you arent doing a lot of bags, then you will only need a couple of obx koozies & stickers in order to keep costs down.

    Im not sure what else to add, but I will definitely let you know if I think of anything else.  Hope this helps!

    Happy Planning!


  • HStaffordHStafford member
    edited December 2011
    Those are great ideas, thanks so much!!!!
  • edited December 2011
    I have been to a few weddings where we have received welcome bags and they had stuff from water bottles, snack items, sunscreen, gum, etc. Also, the last one I went to, they gave bottles of wine and they had included a starfish bottle opener and a starfish wine stopper. Flip flops are cute...Old Navy has a sale where they are like $1 a pair at some season...just can't remember when. The goldfish crackers are a cute idea!
  • sarahebrownsarahebrown member
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href=" Wedding BoardsForum:598Discussion:473e68ca-0b8f-4249-b1e9-c3b4ab26a616Post:05701e64-b44d-4f70-8e55-80a3969c98ed">Re: Welcome Bags</a>:
    [QUOTE]I have been to a few weddings where we have received welcome bags and they had stuff from water bottles, snack items, sunscreen, gum, etc. Also, the last one I went to, they gave bottles of wine and they had included a starfish bottle opener and a starfish wine stopper.<strong> Flip flops are cute...Old Navy has a sale where they are like $1 a pair at some season</strong>...just can't remember when. The goldfish crackers are a cute idea!
    Posted by carlafinn[/QUOTE]

    These are all great ideas. Just wanted to add that I'm planning on buy a bunch of the $1 Old Navy flip-flops and they are on sale in October, just before our weddings!
    Trying to Conceive Ticker
  • ftdr2bftdr2b member
    edited December 2011
    i went to a wedding and on top of the above that people put in welcome kits they also added mini tylenol to go packs (crucial for the next morning!). A map and a list of things to do would be helpful too
    Mrs. Lauren Barry
  • lgorm893lgorm893 member
    edited December 2011
    Hi! I saw some place that you could get personalized little bottles of sunscreen that i thought would be great for a welcome bag! I'll have to try and find the website again! Flip flops are a great idea! My friend had them at her wedding for all guests, it wasn't a beach wedding, but just in case anyones feet were hurting from their shoes during the reception and it was a big hit! Putting them in a welcome bag could get a bit difficult though because you would really need to have an idea of what size everyone is.
  • edited December 2011
    lgorm893 - Did you find the personalized sunscreen bottles?

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