January 2012 Weddings

Memorial Day

Does anyone have any fun plans?

Re: Memorial Day

  • Party on Sunday with his family minus his parents because they will be in Rome.
    Party on Monday with my family.
    Party on Tuesday cause we be on a plane to our HONEYMOON!
  • What an AWESOME weekend!
  • TaraW1979TaraW1979 member
    edited May 2012
    We haven't made any definite plans yet because we do not know his (DH's)work schedule. He never gets the schedule until the Thursday before the weekend. It sucks. We can never plan anything. We were invited to a bbq of one of his friends (a gm we had) and his girfriend. I like them but I do not care for the friends they have so I am hoping we don't have to go to this. His parents said something to my parents about having a cookout. It would be the six of us and it would be nice, but yet again it depends on his work schedule. And my friend asked me to go out with her for drinks on either Sat or Sun, but everything is up in the air at this point.

    Any fun plans, Jen? 
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  • Nope. :(

    J is going on a coors brewery tour with a friend. We have already done but, but the friend hasn't, so J offered to go with him. but its a guys thing, so I won't be attending.

    But thats it.  I kinda wanna go somewhere. put the GPs in the car and run wild. I doubt this will happen, but I can day dream.

    This is the time where I wish we lived closer to family. :(
  • We are going to Az for the weekiend. Nothing majorly fun is planned. I need to get my haircut and eyebrows waxed and then my sister and I will do a little shopping for our cruise next month. Monday I volunteered to work so I could use the holiday for one of my days off for the cruise.
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  • Joy works.  I'll have the day off.....
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