January 2012 Weddings


How was everyone's weekend?

We didn't do much.  We hung out with some of my old co workers.  J and I fought all yesterday because he wanted to take a job in NM (11 hours away from my new job) Sigh so thats sucks....

I made a pintrest recipe and it was ok but it def. didn't look like the picture!

Your turn...

Re: Weekend

  • Anthony's cousin and brother ended up bailing on us Friday night. His cousin remembered last minute he had a date with some girl and canceled on us. Anthony and I started to grill steaks in the picnic area at our apartment complex Fri. night around 9pm, but a thunderstorm rolled in and our barbecue had to be moved inside.

    We had Anthony's parents over Saturday. We took them to the beach and I cooked a three course meal for them. They loved coming to our apartment.

    On Sunday I worked on my teaching portfolio to add the year of Kindergarten I taught in the 2009-2010 school year.

    On Monday Anthony and I went to the beach for 2 hrs. Anthony flew a kite for almost a whole hour while I swam in the water. Then he took the kite down and swam with me. When Anthony left for work I drove to his parents and we had a spur of the moment cookout.

    I couldn't imagine working 11 hours from my husband. Why did he apply to a job so far away? Does he expect you to not take the job you got hired for and look for one where he found a job? Sorry you guys had a fight.

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  • Sigh, Its a long story but I will make it short.

    J=geologist. Graudated 2 years ago.  Geo  jobs are hard to find right now. So this would get him some experience.

    Jen=just graduated. J works a temp job now so I told him I was applying all over. He agreed that he would move with me anywhere since I moved to CO for him to go school and then he dropped out. (another long story)

    So he was talking to another geo friend and they said that this company in NM hired 4 of his classmates and is desperate for more help.  So its basically you are almost hired.  He would make double what I would make, So that would be really nice to get our feet back on the ground since we are poor now and we have onver 100,000 in student loans.  Neither one of us wants to live apart, but he is thinking its the right thing to do financally. I personally would be happy being poor and together.  This is where we differ.
  • Do you think it would be possible for you to find a job where his potential job is?

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers BabyFetus Ticker BabyName Ticker
  • I looked. There is nothing.  Not like oh I don't want to do that. NOTHING in my field. Plus, I got this really awesome job.  I kinda would be sad to leave before I even got to start.
  • We went to Az this weekend to see my sister and so that she and I could get some shopping done for our cruise. The shopping totally sucked and I didnt really find anything super cute, just got the basic what I need to have stuff.

    The weekend was way to quick!
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  • edited May 2012
    In Response to <a href="http://forums.weddingchannel.com/main.aspx/wedding-club-boards_january-2012-weddings_weekend-1?plckFindPostKey=Cat:Wedding%20Club%20BoardsForum:5a1804e7-e8c8-4829-9e61-b9d49f3a9b5fDiscussion:959cc569-749a-44b7-b1b5-cc18e0ecdde8Post:7c948cad-ee89-438d-a544-6a3091a19111">Re: Weekend</a>:
    [QUOTE]Neither one of us wants to live apart, but he is thinking its the right thing to do financally. I personally would be happy being poor and together.  This is where we differ.
    Posted by hippolover[/QUOTE]

    Been there, done that.  I tried to get Joy to take not one, but two jobs they offered her up in DC with the idea that I could follow as soon as I could get relocated.  She didn't like the idea of being apart....I wasn't crazy about it either, but saw it as a means to an end.
  • Yep.  I think he decided to take it.  He was still getting some final details.  I just decided to move on with him out without him.  So I am going to go look at renting a house up there this weekend.  Its a huge house so it will be pretty loney.

    There is a guest room for those who want to visit me. (HINT HINT)
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