California-Bay Area

Anyone around?

FI has to do some work tonight and so I'm trying to entertain myself. What are you all up to?

Re: Anyone around?

  • edited December 2011
    my friend is trying to get me to go work out with her...and i REALLY dont want to.  but i know i should  wahhhhhhhh
  • edited December 2011
    Ugh working out. I have a love hate relationship with the gym lol.
  • edited December 2011
    me tooo!  i feel SO good when i go.  but getting there is SO difficult! 
    nothing is good on TV tonight, either.  BOO!
  • edited December 2011
    Do you watch Teen Mom? That's my Tuesday trashy TV lol
  • edited December 2011
    no....i have seen a few episodes...but it makes me so mad!  its hard to watch it. 
  • edited December 2011
    Lol I know but I'm addicted anyway! What are your typical shows?
  • edited December 2011
    oooo...i watch A LOT of TV.  i watch WEEDS, its always sunny in philly, the league, the office, community, real housewives, jersey shore, jerseylicious, project runway...anything on food network, east bound & down, the list goes on and on!  how about you?

    where are you located, by the way?  i'm in SF.
  • edited December 2011
    I'm in the south bay.

    I watch Grey's, Teen Mom, The Bachelor/ette when its on, Food Network, HGTV, and a few other things when they are on.

    We should try to get a GTG soon with the girls ont his board. seems like ithere are a few girls who are regulars
  • mapledonutsmapledonuts member
    edited December 2011
    I love Teen Mom. Who knew it would be such a good show? I feel so bad for Gary. Amber has a lot of issues. 

    Watched Glee tonight too. I loved "Grilled Cheesus". Haha. 

    I have DVR so I record a lot of shows  and then watch when I have time. We have a stationary bike so I usually work out while watching one of many cheesy reality shows. Which is what I did tonight
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