California-Bay Area

Laser Hair Removal

Has anyone tried it?  is it worth it??  does it hurt??  any recs?


Re: Laser Hair Removal

  • edited December 2011

    I've done it.  My MOH was a manager of the San Jose American Laser Center clinic by Valley Fair mall and she talked me into it.  I had my lower navel area, upper lip and a modified brazilian bikini.  I'm really happy with the bikini area results but since I didn't really have much hair in the other two areas it wasn't very effective.  The laser is attracted to pigrment and so darker, courser hair = better results.  With just fine light hair in the other areaa I don't really see a change.

    I would say it's worth it.  I did a modified bikini so that I didn't have everything in the front removed in case later in life I change my mind.  They did sides and back side.  Sorry if it's TMI but I tell u to let you know that the only thing to remember is if you are doing something like a landing strip or something it's your responsibility to mark off where they should laser and where not to.  For example only shave the areas you want gone and they will laser those, but if you shave crooked which makes them laser crooked and it then always grows crooked it's on you.  I was always really meticulous about it :)

    My MOH doesn't work there anymore but the new manager Shalena was the Asst. Manager when my MOH was there and she's really helpful.

    It is pricey though.  TIP: go for a consultation on the last day of the month or close to it.  They have monthly quotas they need to meet and are more likely to give u a deal because they know they have limited time to get more sales in. Hope that helps :)

  • edited December 2011
    Oh I forgot to address the pain!  The first time I used a bit of numbing cream but then I saw this 20/20 special where some girl used too much of it (all over her legs) and she died so I ditched the cream. haha!

    It does hurt.  The upper lip and navel area didn't hurt, again because the hair was super fine and light.  The bikini area hurt a bit but the most painful is on the labia!! YIKES!  The brazilian back side part of the brazilin bikini also hurts and its uncomfortable because they have to jam that darn gun into your butt crack really far and the gun is big so it's not like it just slides right in there LOL  OMG this is so inappropriate but it's the truth. 

    The good thing about the pain is that it only hurts when she is actually pulling down on the trigger with the laser gun.  It's not like a wax where you'll be sore after.  Good Luck!!
  • edited December 2011
    thank you SO much, Lindsey!  def not TMI...i need to know this stuff!  i'd rather be prepared.  hehe.  yea...i'm really considering it.  and i will definitely go at the end of the month....thanks for the tip!
    about how long does it take for brazilian?  thats what i want to do first - since the maintenance down there is such a pain in the a$$. 
  • mica178mica178 member
    5000 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Love Its
    edited December 2011
    thank you for the information Lindze!  I'm going in for my consultation in a couple weeks (Brazillian and underarms).  There are a couple places by San Mateo with deals right now, have been checking out yelp reviews and am now shopping for deals.
  • edited December 2011
    Glad the info helps!  Each appt for the brazilian probably takes about a half hour.  Overall I saw real results after 3 appointments.  Since your hair grows in cycles they make your time your appointments out like every 8 weeks or something so that they catch each hair cycle.  I did it a couple years ago and still have good results on the bikini area.  But I went for like 2 years religiously every 6 to 8 weeks.  They have a guarantee but it runs out after something like 2 years.  The guarantee allows you to continue to come in for services if the normal amount of sessions doesn't give u results your happy with. 

    After they closed the Los Gatos clinic the San Jose clinic got so busy that I had a hard time getting appointments so that's why I stopped a little before my guarantee was over but I truly didn't need more appts for the brazilian and I doubt I'd have gotten better results in the other areas anyway.
  • mica178mica178 member
    5000 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Love Its
    edited December 2011
    I just went for my first bikini session.  It wasn't nearly as painful as I'd feared, but the labia do hurt.  I flinched for that part.  But if this all works out, I think it's more than worth it to not have to shave/epilate/wax this area.
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