North Carolina-Raleigh-Durham


Hi!   I am trying to book a band for my wedding and I personally don't know anyone in the area who has used a band.  Does anyone have any suggestions as to a Band or booking agency?  I have been in contact with a few booking agencies, but for one reason or another I am finding them very unprofessinal and therefore difficult to really find out what my options are.  (I would also like to add I have a tight budget so we are trying not to spend more then $5,000 on the band if possible.)

Re: Band

  • NcsuPsychNcsuPsych member
    2500 Comments Fourth Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    check out the nc bride bio ( I think there are some suggestions on there :o)
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  • dancr214dancr214 member
    edited December 2011
    East Coast Entertainment and Musicians Booking Company are two booking agencies.  We used The Plaids for our wedding reception.  We loved them.  I am not sure what type of music you are interested in but I highly recommend them.  They are great!
  • tarheelbabstarheelbabs member
    edited December 2011
    Crush played at a friend's wedding.  They held it on  a Sunday afternoon to make it more affordable. It was a blast.  They have a website. If you haven't heard them, they've been pretty popular in Raleigh for a while.  They're pretty easy to track down to go hear.  Also, East Coast Entertainment, mentioned above, has been around for a long time, and has a lot of bands at a variety of price points.
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