
registry information in invites

i realize that putting the registry information in the formal invitation is not advised.  my invitations will be the seal and send invitations and i am not sure if adding a slipp of paper in them to state to check out my website for accomodations.  what should i do?

Re: registry information in invites

  • angnedangned member
    Knottie Warrior 100 Comments
    edited December 2011
    Whatever you do, do NOT ask in the national boards.  You WILL be flamed!  However, here is my opinion.

    Do NOT put them in the invitation.  This for 1 is asking for gifts.  A person coming to your wedding is their gift to you and they do not have to get you a gift. 

    Tell your bridal party and parents where you are registered.  most people nowadays register at target, BB&B and Macy's.  If there is somewhere more regional, people in the area will probably know. 

    Also, if you have a wedding website, I think it is ok to put links on there.  Some people would still say this is a no-no, but I don't think it is asking for gifts, whereas something directly in the invitation is saying "come to our wedding and bring a gift from this store"

    Hope this helps!
    2 of us- a bunch of you! Celebrating the whole night through!
  • edited December 2011
    thank you angned this is very helpful.  would you advise for me to put my website on the invite or do you think it would hold a enclosure to say see wedding website for accomadations.
  • angnedangned member
    Knottie Warrior 100 Comments
    edited December 2011
    Maybe a "check out our website" or something like that with a cute little slip enclosed.
    2 of us- a bunch of you! Celebrating the whole night through!
  • stina93446stina93446 member
    edited December 2011

    I agree with pp. Do not post this on a national board unless you want to be flamed mega!

    Putting registry info in or on the invite is a huge no no. It's super tacky! You come off as gift grabby. People feel obligated to get you a gift. You send a bad message. I am sure you don't want your closest friends and family thinking this about you. If you want people to know that you have registries, do it by word of mouth. Tell your bms and your mom and FMIL. And you should make a wedding website. Add the info to the website.

    And since you wanted to add a slip of paper into your invites, put the wedding website info on the slip instead. That way, it's not tacky and you don't look greedy. In fact, you'll look like an awesome bride who wanted her guests to have tons of information for your day!

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  • edited December 2011
    I agree with stina.  Create a comprehensive website with travel, hotel, reception information and also include the registry information.  Everyone will appreciate all the information .... especially the women because well the fellas are just not as in tune to the details as we are.  The Knot, Wedding Channel, Project Wedding all have great and EASY website options and allow you to easily post your registry infromation.  Good luck to you!
  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href=" Club BoardsForum:f0ca0bc1-9255-4120-8042-b40e7f3e99c5Discussion:22edf46a-1220-4de7-a020-ea512d39b2cbPost:3fe910c2-a76f-48ed-9281-8dc2406d017d">Re: NWR: Uneasy feeling...</a>:
    [QUOTE]Definitely do what PP said. Maybe even call authorities as it sounds like you have her phone number even if it has been dissconnected. I hope you didn't give her any personal info, SS, address, or stuff like that. Maybe do a free credit check in a few days/weeks.
    Posted by Tlongo[/QUOTE]

    I definitely didn't give her any personal information.  I think I'll call the corporate number for this insurance company as well, just to make sure I have no accounts with them (i.e. make sure someone didn't open anything in my name).  It just really creeps me mom reminded me that around Christmas time, some guy came out in a snowstorm to her house to ask her about my dad's insurance (my parents are divorced and neither lives in their old residence).  My mother lives 900 miles away from me!  Something is definitely up, and it scares me.
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