When John and I finally set a new date, I promised myself that this time around, I wouldn't stress over things. I wouldn't get uptight about anything. Nothing about planning the wedding would make me cry. I would focus on what is truly important: I am healthy and marrying the man I love.When I started planning my wedding, I had 2 BMs and my sister was my MOH. My 2 BMs dropped out of the wedding over the summer for unclear reasons, saying that John had offended them, I was making a mistake, and it was too expensive for them to participate. Whatever. If they couldn't be supportive (or had over-committed themselves when I asked them in February) I didn't want them doing something that they felt bad about. Fine.However, yesterday my sister told me that she would not be able to attend the wedding. Her exact words were "I prayed about it, and God said no." I don't have a problem with her honoring her religious committments, or doing what she feels is right. But I am really sad and disappointed that she won't be there with me on my big day. I was really counting on having her there- if for no other reason than to run interference with my mom and hand me tissues between pictures! (Well, and to help me go to the bathroom- that dress is huge!)I know that what really matters is that John and I will finally get to be married, but when I pictured my wedding, I always pictured my sister standing up next to me. Now, I don't have bridesmaids OR my sister.I might have to cry over this.