
Should I invite friends' boyfriends or girlfriends???

Hey all,

Trying to finalize the wedding guestlist. We have a very tight light with the guest list since we have a limit of 180. I would love to invite my co-workers and friends but my question is do I really have to invite their boyfriends or girlfriends. I have never met them nor hung out with them. I'm sure that my single friends will be ok hanging out with our mutual friends. As for the co-workers, they have one another.

Thoughts? Suggestions?

Re: Should I invite friends' boyfriends or girlfriends???

  • Etiquette-wise - yes, you do have to invite their S.Os.  Think about what you would feel like being in their position - would you be cool being invited to a wedding and your hubby/FI wasn't invited?  How would you feel?  At least then, you have the option not to bring the hubby along so you could have fun with your co-workers.

    Just something to keep in mind. 
  • Yes, you really really do. The only way to get away with not including plus ones is for those that are 100% single. Even then if they're OOT or won't really know anyone else it's nice to extend the courtesy of a plus one since it can be a) boring to travel alone and b) really awkward to not know anyone else at the wedding.

    It's better to spend a little extra money for the comfort of your guests.
  • Thank you for the insight. You guys are right.

  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Should I invite friends' boyfriends or girlfriends???</a>:
    [QUOTE]Etiquette-wise - yes, you do have to invite their S.Os.  Think about what you would feel like being in their position - would you be cool being invited to a wedding and your hubby/FI wasn't invited?  How would you feel?  At least then, you have the option not to bring the hubby along so you could have fun with your co-workers. Just something to keep in mind. 
    Posted by Jewel224[/QUOTE]

    This.  If you have a limit, then invite by circles.  Your coworkers sound like kind of an afterthought or secondary from your post so why not invite just your friends and their SOs, and skip the coworkers then?

    Also, a wedding is about romance... do you really think people will be okay being at a romantic event, with you two dancing together and celebrating love... and their loves are absent?  Not nice.
  • Ditto what Deadstar and Achiduck have said! Smile
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