Hey everyone!
I need some major major help here. This is what happened: fiance and I are getting married next January in Miami. Meanwhile, I am finihsing up school in Boston and he has graduated and moved to his home country. The wedding has to be in Miami because it is easiest for both families. We thought we had a church reserved, they told us the date was free and everything, so we sent out the necessary paper work to save a date, and lo and behold a month later they figure out that the date had been reserved a year ago but they forgot to transfer it from the priests calander to their calander.
Unfortunately, we already have our reception venue booked and under contract with a hefty deposit down since the original church told us that the date was basically a sure thing.
Now we are left without a place to get married.
It seems that most churches require the bride and groomt to meet with them in person before being able to reserve the date. This is impossible for us. Yes, I will be in Miami for one week in March, but my fiance can't make it as he is working in another country and can't just get the time off and the money to come to Miami for one day.
Is there anyone who knows what we can do? Has anyone ever been in this situation? What is a long-distance international couple supposed to do to get married in the church? (We met in college so it isn't like we have never been together in person, he just moved home).
We want to have a Catholic ceremony. For us that is the whole point in getting married, but it is starting to feel like the Catholic Church doesn't want us.
Sorry this is so long, just feel like I've had a rug pulled out from under me.
Please help,