Catholic Weddings

Happy Friday!

What are everyone's weekend plans?  Anything exciting?  We don't have anything crazy going on -- some Christmas shopping, niece's bday party, football..the usual.  What about you ladies?


Re: Happy Friday!

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    We're going to Waco.  I've decided I can't wait until Christmas to tell my ILs that I'm pregnant, so I called H and asked if we could go.  Plus hopefully we can get tickets to the last regular season Baylor game.  =)

    I always complain that we're never home on the weekends to get stuff done, and then I always want to get away on the weekends!



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    Prof, that's so cute!  I'm sure that's SUPER exciting news to share, so no wonder you can't wait! 

    Okay so I gotta vent here: I am taking progesterone prescribed by my Napro doc for my short luteal phase.  I'm annoyed because the darn Rx costs $40 for TEN pills.  How ridiculous is that?  But that's not the annoying part...the annoying part is that if I were taking progesterone for BC, it would be $10 a month for 28 pills.  There's something wrong with this picture!


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    Prof - I don't think I could wait another month with such good news either!  And it's definitely something that you want to tell in person.  Enjoy the trip, and good luck getting tickets :)

    We'll be going to the first (and hopefully not last!) playoff game for our local college team.  H's brother and roommate are coming down, and they'll all be much more fun to hang out with if our team wins!  I also need to make some time to go shopping, I have some odds and ends that I need to pick up for our honeymoon, and am STILL on the lookout for that perfect pair of black skinny jeans/pants!
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    In Response to <a href=" Wedding BoardsForum:615Discussion:128fb06e-f1b5-457a-ae29-3c4c34dba052Post:1b68a1d4-f92c-4fea-a6a5-0efdaf19b964">Re: Happy Friday!</a>:
    [QUOTE]Prof, that's so cute!  I'm sure that's SUPER exciting news to share, so no wonder you can't wait!  Okay so I gotta vent here: I am taking progesterone prescribed by my Napro doc for my short luteal phase.  I'm annoyed because the darn Rx costs $40 for TEN pills.  How ridiculous is that?  But that's not the annoying part...the annoying part is that if I were taking progesterone for BC, it would be $10 a month for 28 pills.  There's something wrong with this picture!
    Posted by Resa77[/QUOTE]

    Wow - that's ridiculous!  I really wouldn't have expected them to be that different in cost.
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    Yeah, I didn't either!  Oh, and don't forget to tell me where you end of finding the perfect black skinnies :)  I'm so jealous you get to go on a beautiful HM.  I miss my HM so bad lol.  It was the best week ever.


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    i have my first training session tomorrow.  excited and nervous!

    also, Resa (and anyone else who might be interested) - my trainer recommends this app - helps you track your workout and waht you eat - you can even scan food labels to add them to your daily food journal!  its free.  "my fitness pal".
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    I've used My Fitness Pal before - I was doing really well on it for awhile, but have slacked off on entering my food lately... oops.  It is a great app though!
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    I kinda use MFP, but I tend to go through months-long hiati (is that the plural of hiatus?) from it.  Good luck with your training session!  I did lots of weight machines last night before hopping on the ellpitical, and thought "Calypso would be proud of me right now."  Unfortunately, after over a month of abstaining  from soda, and eating healthy foods in diet portions, and exactly a month of gyming it up on the regular, I have....drum roll...gained a pound.  And my clothes don't fit any better.  I'm so distraught, but H said my face is thinner.  Perfect!  The one area I DON'T work out!

    So Newly, if you're reading this -- I've kind of become you in terms of being addicted to blogs.  Thanks for your recommendations a few months back!  Jen, Simcha, 'em.  Just wanted you to know, in case you ever need someone with whom to talk about blogs!  Now I want to write a blog!  (But I'm scared of strangers knowing too much about me, and even more scared of people I know knowing too much about me lol).


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    :/  Not going to Waco.  H's company hates fun and good things.  I am sad.



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    Oh no :(  Stupid fun-hating companies!


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    resa, i think its typical to gain a bit at first becuase you are building muscle.

    this trainer is my last attempt.  ive tried everything else to lose weight.  this has got to work.  its got to!
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    I also just started metformin, and from what I've read, it can help people lose weight if they're healthy eaters and regular exercisers, which I am.  Soooo I'm stupidly hoping that in a month I'll be 20 lb lighter.  Ah....wishful thinking!


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    I prefer loseit over mfp.  My fitness pal has a lot of user entries, so who knows how accurate they are.
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    Is there a loseit app?  Because I can't find it :(  It's probably just on iPhone, knowing my luck.  My I'm just a Droid girl, can't help it.


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    Yes, there should be a Lose It! app.



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    Yes, there is an app. I have iphone, I don't know if its on others. But it automatically instantly syncs to the web site where you can also enter info.
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    Yay Friday!! Yay blueberry-sized babies! And Christmas cards and weekends and health-inspiring apps!! :)

    I got to leave work early today for the first time in like a month. Current plans include laying in my snuggie and catching up on all the websites and fun things I used to waste time on while I was in school :) 

    And tomorrow FI and I are going to contact the church again re: pre cana. With Sandy and then work getting so crazy we still haven't been able to really touch base with the right people. :\ 

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
    pinterest, obvi.

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