Catholic Weddings

New to this board- Question.....didnt know where else to post

Hello, I am getting marred in August 2011.. i go on that board ALOT... but I am having a Full Catholic Mass for my ceremony and I had a question...

Is the presentation to the Blessed Mary part of the full ceremony or not? the church i am getting married to told me i can not do it, i thought it was part of the ceremony- if so, how can i make it part of my ceremony?

Re: New to this board- Question.....didnt know where else to post

  • edited December 2011
    Welcome and congratulations.  The presentation of flowers to Mary is not an actual part of the Catholic wedding liturgy, although it has become a popular tradition.  Many churches will allow you to add the presentation to Mary into the wedding ceremony.  There are some churches, though, that frown on the practice since it is not an actual part of the liturgy.  Your best bet is to talk to the pastor or ceremony coordinator at your church to find out what is allowed and how to honor Mary in your ceremony.

    Good luck.  FYI, you may find this website helpful in your planning:
  • edited December 2011
    Ditto pp. Our priest said we could do it, even though we opted not to. I think he said it would have taken part during our actual ceremony.
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