Catholic Weddings

Pet peeves

I don't feel like working, so here's a question...
Anybody else have a church-related pet peeve?

Mine: kneeler noise! In [Catholic] school, seems like after every mass we went to, we would practice putting down/up our kneelers quietly. Now, I'm in a new church, and it seems like nobody else was ever taught this. Kneelers are dropped and slammed back, while I gently 'maneuver minel... anybody else, or am I just picky on this one?

Re: Pet peeves

  • lalaith50lalaith50 member
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 5 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited December 2011
    well, I don't know about your church, but at my church, it's actually not your own kneeler that is a problem, it's that the church is really old and all the pews are close together, so when tall people kneel, their foot will often (unbeknownst to themselves!) push the kneeler BEHIND them onto the wooden floor! BANG! 

    I was definitely walking into my pew after Communion last Sunday, and the big guy in front of me did that, and it landed right on my flip-flop-wearing foot! yeouch! I have a nasty bruise from that one. :-( 
    and not a very nice way to end your Communion! 
  • LoveYouBLoveYouB member
    edited December 2011
    Haha! I never notices that.. but I know I probably will.
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  • edited December 2011
    Hmm, good point, though I don't think that's the issue at mine. I have long legs myself (I'm 5'11) but have never knocked down the pew behind me. I just see/hear people all around me dropping the kneeler and it drives me crazy. But yeah, I guess once you start noticing it, you notice it every time, haha
  • HandBananaHandBanana member
    Seventh Anniversary 500 Comments
    edited December 2011
    This isn't really a pet peeve but something I had to get use to and I've grown to like.  We do not have ushers durring communion.  Instead we all file towards the center aisle and generally give each other the courtesy of gentle head nods as we file from different pews.

    Our kneelers squeek.
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  • KamakananiKamakanani member
    Fourth Anniversary 100 Comments
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Pet peeves</a>:
    [QUOTE]I don't feel like working, so here's a question... Anybody else have a church-related pet peeve? Mine: <strong>kneeler noise! In [Catholic] school, seems like after every mass we went to, we would practice putting down/up our kneelers quietly. Now, I'm in a new church, and it seems like nobody else was ever taught this. Kneelers are dropped and slammed back</strong>, while I gently 'maneuver minel... anybody else, or am I just picky on this one?
    Posted by caiti2u[/QUOTE]
    I wholly agree!  Even at the parish I went to in grade school, the church is ALWAYS filled with slamming kneelers during the Liturgy of the Eucharist.<div>
    <div>The other one I have is post-Communion, during the time of meditation.  I know there are people who kneel in meditation longer than others, but it really gets to me when there is someone who kneels a shorter time in front of someone who kneels the entire time (like me), and then sits all the way back in their pew afterwards, leaving no room for the kneeling person to really kneel.  It may just be a personal peeve that grows from the fact that, growing up and as an altar server, it was not really acceptable to kneel with your rump leaning on the pew/your heels.  The way our pews are, if I'm kneeling straight (even if I don't rest my arms on the back of the pew in front of me), and the person in front of me sits completely against the back of the pew, it ends up where it could look like I'm trying to nibble their ear or something.....  On those occassions where I'm sitting and others around me may be kneeling, I always check behind me.  If someone's there kneeling, I sit a little forward, just to give them some room.</div></div>
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  • divinemsbeedivinemsbee member
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 5 Love Its
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Pet peeves</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Pet peeves : I wholly agree!  Even at the parish I went to in grade school, the church is ALWAYS filled with slamming kneelers during the Liturgy of the Eucharist. The other one I have is post-Communion, during the time of meditation. <strong> I know there are people who kneel in meditation longer than others, but it really gets to me when there is someone who kneels a shorter time in front of someone who kneels the entire time </strong>(like me), and then sits all the way back in their pew afterwards, leaving no room for the kneeling person to really kneel.
    Posted by Kamakanani[/QUOTE]

    See, I was always taught that you stayed kneeling until the Eucharist is put away into the Tabernacle and the priest sits down, so I get a little annoyed with people that sit anyway. But I have had that happen and it's really distracting.
  • edited December 2011
    One little one, though I know it is a cultural thing. Going to mass in many other countries drives me NUTS during communion. Instead of filing up in a line it is a mad rush.

    I know "queueing up" is an American thing, but I hate having to fight my way up there instead of just waiting my turn. It seems so logical...but that's cultural bias for you!
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  • Calypso1977Calypso1977 member
    Knottie Warrior 2500 Comments 25 Love Its First Answer
    edited December 2011

    my pet peeve is people who only show up on christmas and easter and then proceed to be loud  and use it as a social opportunity to catch up with family and friends, meaning they have loud conversations and laugh and shout when others are sitting there trying to pray before mass starts.

    i also get irked when "my pew" gets taken which is pretty rare, at least on sundays.

  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Pet peeves</a>:
    [QUOTE]my pet peeve is people who only show up on christmas and easter and then proceed to be loud  and use it as a social opportunity to catch up with family and friends, meaning they have loud conversations and laugh and shout when others are sitting there trying to pray before mass starts. i also get irked when "<strong>my pew</strong>" gets taken which is pretty rare, at least on sundays.
    Posted by Calypso1977[/QUOTE]

    <div>Haha. These days, I just have a certain section I like to sit in, but one day I got there a little late and it was scout-Sunday and I ended up having to sit in the chapel behind the altar... threw me off. Growing up, we had "our pew" right behind the choir b/c my mom sang. Most of the 'usuals' knew their places, but it was always those holiday peole who end up sitting in "our" place. Ha</div>
  • edited December 2011
    haha, I totally agree with all PPs. but what's really been getting to me lately are all of the teenagers that have their phones out the entire mass playing games and/or texting...and the parents just let them do it! no courtesy anymore, and it's like parents have stopped teaching their kids how to respect! for me, going to catholic school my whole life, you pretty much weren't allowed to make a peep the entire mass, let alone have your phone out!
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  • shawna127shawna127 member
    Third Anniversary 100 Comments
    edited December 2011
    kantonik and Calypso I totally agree with you!! I remember a Christmas mass from a couple years ago.  There was a teenage girl in front of us and when she went up for communion the preist just blessed her and didn't give her communion.  So the girl went back to her pew and started texting awful things about the preist to someone!  I couldn't even believe it!!
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  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Pet peeves</a>:
    [QUOTE]haha, I totally agree with all PPs. but what's really been getting to me lately are all of the teenagers that have their phones out the entire mass playing games and/or texting...and the parents just let them do it! no courtesy anymore, and it's like parents have stopped teaching their kids how to respect! for me, going to catholic school my whole life, you pretty much weren't allowed to make a peep the entire mass, let alone have your phone out!
    Posted by kantonik[/QUOTE]

    <div>The last time I went home, sat with my dad in the same spot behind the choir. I couldn't believe when one of the kids whose mother sings pulled out a game-boy. I mentioned it to my dad later, and apparantly the kid is autistic. I was a little more understanding then, but still, couldnt he be given something a little less distracting to keep him occupied? I dunno, mixed feelings about that one. </div>
  • AmandaSC1988AmandaSC1988 member
    1000 Comments Second Anniversary
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href=" Wedding BoardsForum:615Discussion:352f00cd-a4db-4796-bf8f-bd182d808e3fPost:6bd33931-75b5-413d-a649-ec27f723c51e">Re: Pet peeves</a>:
    [QUOTE]<strong>my pet peeve is people who only show up on christmas</strong>and easter and then proceed to be loud  and use it as a social opportunity to catch up with family and friends, meaning they have loud conversations and laugh and shout when others are sitting there trying to pray before mass starts. i also get irked when "my pew" gets taken which is pretty rare, at least on sundays.
    Posted by Calypso1977[/QUOTE]

    When my priest was explaining the new mass translation last week be joked that you really will be able to tell those people this year when they show up to Christmas mass and say the wrong things. Haha.

    This one goes to the choirs out there. We are attending a Catholic mass... not protestant service..I refuse to clap my hands to the beat to any song, and I will walk out if you turn a beautiful hymn into a pop concert worthy song.
  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Pet peeves</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Pet peeves : When my priest was explaining the new mass translation last week be joked that you really will be able to tell those people this year when they show up to Christmas mass and say the wrong things. Haha. This one goes to the choirs out there. We are attending a Catholic mass... not protestant service..I refuse to clap my hands to the beat to any song, and I will walk out if you turn a beautiful hymn into a pop concert worthy song.
    Posted by AmandaSC1988[/QUOTE]

    <div>Haha, true, thought I hope we get something to read off for a while. After having said the same things our whole lives, I think it'll be hard (or at least take some time) to get used to the new translations. </div><div>Though I'll admit we do a little clap-singing every once in a while (I typically attend the contemporary services)</div>
  • BalaenaBalaena member
    edited December 2011
    Oh my goodness to all of those! I'm glad my church is traditional, so those things aren't common. There is an announcement before Mass begins asking to turn off al electronic devices, however. I'm also thankful that my parish does NO happy-clappy pop-like stuff. We even have one Mass with Gregorian chant. It does make me feel weird going into different churches occasionally when they do do those things.

    I was also taught to kneel following Communion, but sometimes I have kneel with my bum on the pew. I know I'm guilty, but it's only when I get lightneaded, as I have passed out before.
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