Catholic Weddings

Moving right along...

I had a major hiccup in my wedding planning last weekend- got an email from my venue telling me that they wouldn't be done with their renovations in time for my wedding- three and a half months from now. Cue the bridezilla

Less than 24 hours after that *fantastic* news, we had a new reception venue and church booked. I know the tradition is to be married in the bride's parish, but I don't really have a "home" in that sense, so I felt like we were incredibly lucky to not only find a better venue at the same price, but a church that would marry us near the new venue on such short notice. (We would have kept the original church, but its over an hour and a half from the new reception venue.)

I think that it was all meant to be though. With the other church I could never get them on the phone to schedule pre cana or speak to the priest about the steps we needed to take to do the wedding right in that sense. I kind of felt like we weren't being guided the way we needed to be.( Forgive me if I'm being presumptive in the role of the priest in our preparation.) Father Peter at the new church met with us in person the day after we booked and spoke to us about what it means to be married and the roles and responsibilites. I guess it was technically the PMI, but we didn't do that FOCCUS test or whatever it is you all talk about. I was a little disappointed, to be honest. I was looking forward to doing it. Anyhow (and I know I'm rambling, sorry) we've booked our pre cana classes. I've gotten more accomplished in the last 48 hours dealing with the new church than I did in four months of dealing with the prior one!
So this post really has no point. I don't have any questions...I guess I just wanted to share that I'm really getting excited about getting married!

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