Catholic Weddings

Lectors and Eucharistic Ministers

I suspect the answer to this will be "ask my priest" but I'd like to know what your experience/thoughts are. (Sorry I'm posting so much. It's my way to warding off the anxiety as we wait for word on my annulment.)

First, my favorite aunt - who was my "second mom" when I was a teenager and especially since my mother died nine years ago - and my uncle are Catholic, and are Eucharistic Ministers at their home church in Santa Fe. I would love for them, if they would be willing, to serve that role at our Nuptial Mass. Is that feasible?

Second, do the lectors at a Nuptial Mass need to be Catholic, or could I have my other aunt or uncle, or my cousin or brother, read the readings at the Mass?

Thank you! Hope everybody had a great Thanksgiving!

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Re: Lectors and Eucharistic Ministers

  • edited December 2011
    I'd definitely go with your gut answer of "ask your priest."

    That said, my guess is that having your aunt and uncle serve as EMs should be fine.

    Rules on readers seem to vary widely. Some parishs seem to require that the readers be Catholic. Others only require that the reader believe what they are reading (so you have, for example, a Jewish friend do the OT reading). Others don't care. That is one you will definitely have to check with your priest about.

    You didn't ask about it, but your gift bearers should probably be Catholic (though I've heard of counter-examples).
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  • edited December 2011
    Yes, definitely check with your priest to be sure.

    Your Aunt and Uncle should be able to be EME's for your wedding, they may just have to show some proof or something.

    I know that at our church, our lectors did not need to be Catholic, but it was definitely preferred. Of course, they do need to be Christian/believe in God in order to be reading the word of God. Both of our lectors were Catholic, which was definitely a bonus.
  • mica178mica178 member
    5000 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Love Its
    edited December 2011
    My parish didn't set any rules for us, but H and I decided that our readers/cantor/witnesses should be people who believed in the words they spoke/sang and the documents they signed.  H's dear atheist friends were ushers, but I wasn't going to have them read the word of the Lord.

    I believe that most parishes set their own rules about EMs.  Many weddings are small enough that the priest can handle all the guests, but yours might be bigger, and of course, it's nice to have more family involvement if it's allowed.
  • ootmother2ootmother2 member
    Tenth Anniversary 5000 Comments 25 Love Its First Answer
    edited December 2011
    I was one of the EM and groom's uncle was the other.

    I am a practicing Catholic and he is Lutheren.

    I didn't give it much thought, M chose me and her now H chose his favorite uncle.  No one asked either one of us what out religion was but I had to assume the priest knew that I was Catholic.
  • clearheavensclearheavens member
    Knottie Warrior 1000 Comments Name Dropper 5 Love Its
    edited December 2011
    I think in the ideal, lectors should be Catholic.  Some priests require it, some don't.

    I believe EMs must be Catholic and be trained in that ministry, since it truly is about handling the Body and Blood of Christ.
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  • 2Bwed20112Bwed2011 member
    edited December 2011
    I think it would be lovely for you to ask your Aunt and Uncle to serve as EM at your wedding!  We had the option to choose people to do it but we don't know anyone so I'm kind of jealous that you have someone so close to you that can do it and I think they would feel honored (even though I don't know them personally).  I know I would feel honored!  As far as the readers, our priest didn't set any rules for us around that but we did choose people who believe in what they are reading!  We also selected our people to do the presentation of gifts as people who are Catholic and believe in what it represents.
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