
Rate my centerpiece...

Sooo I was having some centerpiece fun, and this is what came out.  Obviously the real deal would have more votives, plus a bunch of real flower petals around it.  Ah well. 

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Re: Rate my centerpiece...

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    edited December 2011
    I love the concept!  Is there any way to cover the silver lid of the mason jar?  That's the only thing sticking out to me.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    edited December 2011
    I agree with PP.. either cover the lid, or loose the lid by filling the jar with something to weigh it down.  Otherwise, lovely!
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    edited December 2011
    I was thinking of covering it with the same moss I put in the branches.

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    edited December 2011
    I think it is cute. I really like the petals & spanish moss in the branches. I'm not sure if I would get rid of the lid or not. It's hard to tell in a picture. If you did you might be able to anchor it down with that fake water or "wonder water" stuff. I have no idea how much it is though.

    We are doing branches for some of our centerpieces too and I've been itching to do a mock up recently. Thank you for posting. This motivates me to actually do it! I really need a kick in the butt with planning right now!

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