Catholic Weddings

Petitions/Prayer of the Faithful

I've read all the older posts on this topic and I'm not re-posting the question since it seems awhile since it's been asked and there are likely new brides on this board.

Can you post what you are planning or have already used for your petitions/Prayer of the Faithful?  I love seeing what everyone else used to help me create our own.

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Re: Petitions/Prayer of the Faithful

  • edited December 2011

    Reader:            Please respond,  “Lord hear our prayer.”


    Reader:            For the people and leaders of all nations, that peace may be theirs, we pray to the Lord.


    All:      Lord, hear our prayer.


    Reader:            For Sara and Andrew, joined now in marriage, that their love will grow and their commitment will deepen every day, we pray to the Lord.


    All:      Lord, hear our prayer.


    Reader:            For all married couples throughout the world, that God may continue to bless and strengthen their unions, we pray to the Lord.


    All:      Lord, hear our prayer.


    Reader:            For the families and friends of Sara and Andrew, gathered here today, that they continue to enrich each other with love and support through the years, we pray to the Lord.


    All:      Lord, hear our prayer.


    Reader:            For family members who have gone before us marked with the sign of faith, that they live in happiness with God, we pray to the Lord:


    All:      Lord, hear our prayer.


    Reader:            For all those in attendance today, that God may give them safe passage home, both near and far, we pray to the Lord:


    All:      Lord, hear our prayer.



  • Kaye SmithKaye Smith member
    Sixth Anniversary 100 Comments
    edited December 2011
    Here's what we had:

    For Kaye and Danny:May their lives be filled with laughter, their home be filled with peace, and their hearts be filled with love for all their lives.  We pray to the Lord.All Respond:         Lord, hear our prayer. For the family and friends of Kaye and Danny, who are gathered here:
    May the love we witness bring us to greater unity, to greater joy, and to a deeper awareness of the ways we are blessed.  We pray to the Lord.
    All Respond:         Lord, hear our prayer. For those who have gone before us, yet whose love remains in our hearts, especially the grandparents of Kaye and Danny:May our lives shine with the spirit of those who have loved us in this life and who pray for us now.  We pray to the Lord.All Respond:         Lord, hear our prayer. For our world:May the love we celebrate be a sign of hope and a gift of peace to all the world.  We pray to the Lord.All Respond:         Lord, hear our prayer.
  • edited December 2011
    Thank you both!
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